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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56

Chapter 56

The moment Anastasia got home, she was antsy. She asked frantically on the phone, “Monica, do you

know anyone at the police station?”

“Not really, Ana, don’t worry… Monica realized that Anastasia didn’t know about Herman’s situation.

She knew that he’d been taken away by the police, which must have been making Anastasia pretty

freaked out. “Here’s the plan, Ana, head home and I’ll make a few calls to see if I know anyone at the


Monica was just trying to soothe Anastasia’s nerves and hoped she wouldn’t worry too much.

“Alright, Ill be waiting for your call.”

Anastasia hung up, full of worry, and drove off to the police station.

Even though she might not be able to do much, she still wanted to check things out at the station.

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As soon as Anastasia arrived and got out of the car, she saw Cason stepping out of another car.

“Cason, you’re such a jerk, she accused loudly the moment she saw him. “You should drop the


“Anastasia, I warned your husband. He refused to apologize. It’s a world of law now, I’m just protecting

my rights. It’s only fair, Cason sneered. “Everyone. has to face the consequences for their actions.”

“How can you be so nasty?” Anastasia lost her cool. “Drop the charges and I’ll cover your losses, no

matter the cost.”

“Anastasia, you should know, I’m not after compensation.” Cason smirked with his hands in his

pockets. “You know what I really want.”

Anastasia was shaking with rage. Was this vile, shameless man really the Cason she knew?

With gritted teeth, Anastasia said, “You’re dreaming.”

Cason gave a cold laugh, stepping in front of Anastasia. “There’s another way to drop the charges your

husband could kneel down and apologize, admit his mistake”

“Cason, you jerk, Anastasia slapped Cason hard across his face in anger.

Cason was instantly furious. He licked his slapped cheek and smirked, “Looks like I need another

hospital visit. I’ll put this slap on your husband’s tab. He should be doing time for a year or more, no


Hearing that Herman might be jailed, Anastasia panicked. As much as she hated Cason, she had to

keep her temper in check.

“How much do you want to drop the charges?” Anastasia tried to control her anger. “Cason, don’t think

you’re above us just because you’ve read a few law books. If you don’t drop the charges, I’ll hire a

better lawyer and fight you to the end.”

She wouldn’t cave to Cason’s demands..

Cason scoffed, “Anastasia, do you really have the money and time to fight me? All I need to do is drag

this out and your husband would be in jail for a few more years. For every day the case isn’t closed, he

stays another day. I’ve got all the time in the world to drag this out. This is what you get for deceiving

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Cason’s level of nastiness shattered Anastasia’s perception of him.

To protect Herman, Anastasia struggled to control herself. She explained, “I never lied to you. I never

dated two people at the same time. You left first, Cason. Why take your anger out on an innocent

person? Why drag Herman into our problems? If you have any grudges, come after me. Leave him out



Cason looked at Anastasia coldly, the more she defended Herman, the angrier he got.

“Anastasia, you’re really shameless, still denying your wrongs. Do you want me to spill what you did

back in college?” Cason mocked “Don’t play innocent in front of me You’re a slut.”

Anastasia was truly puzzled. What had she done in college that made Cason so angry?

Had she really forgotten something important?