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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54

In Anastasia’s memory, Herman had always been a humble and polite guy. She had never seen him

this mad, let alone throwing punches.

The second Herman threw a punch, Anastasia’s heart was about to jump out of her chest. The feeling

of being protected felt really good.

At this moment, Herman radiated a manly power and charm.

Cason staggered to his feet, touched the blood at the corner of his mouth, and spat out a mouthful of

blood mixed with teeth.

Getting punched in public, especially in front of Anastasio, was a massive blow to Cason’s ego. He was


Cason gritted his teeth and sneered at Herman, “You hit me, and there’s proof. Wait for your court

summons. I’ll make sure you can’t stay in Riverdale.”

Cason was a lawyer if he really wanted to sue Herman, it would definitely be a real pain in the ass.

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Anastasia couldnt help but worry for Herman. For ordinary folks like them, getting tangled up in legal

disputes was their worst nightmare Considering that Cason himself was a lawyer, they might end up on

the losing end.

Anastasia got mad too. “Cason, how could you be such a low-life?”

Herman chuckled, his presence dominating, his eyes filled with deadly intent.

He stepped closer to Cason, who instinctively stepped back, but Herman still grabbed him by the collar.

“You’re such a disgrace to men Herman grabbed Cason’s collar, pushed him hard and pinned him

against Cason’s parked luxury car.

Herman looked coldly at the expensive car Cason struggled but Herman had him pinned down on the

car. He couldn’t move at all.

“Is this your idea of being a real man? Rented cars and mansions? I didn’t want to get physical, but

you’re just so pathetic. People like you belong in the trash”

Herman exposed Cason’s hypocrisy Cason felt exposed and publicly humiliated.

He felt ashamed, mad, and hatred started to grow inside him.

Being the proud person he was, how could Cason endure such humiliation?

How did Herman know about his rented car and mansion?

Cason’s eyes were bloodshot, his hands tried to pull Herman off, “You’re just a working-class Joe who

will never move up. Cross me and you’ll end up behind bars. But if you beg for mercy now, you might

still have a chance…

Herman punched Cason again, harder than before

“Herman” Anastasia was anxious. She wasn’t worried about Cason, but scared that Herman would face


Herman glanced at Anastasia, dragged Cason and threw him into the nearby trash can, “This is where

you belong. Bring whatever revenge you got. No matter what Anastasia was before, she’s my wife now.

Anyone who dares slander her. I won’t let it slide

After saying this, Herman walked towards Anastasia, took her hand, and walked past Cason towards

the cinema.

After being thrown into the trash, Cason was boiling with rage. He crawled out of the trash can, noticed

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the surveillance camera at the entrance of the bar, and a cruel light flashed in his eyes.

He decided to get Herman arrested, to make him pay, even to make him unable to live in Riverdale

anymore, to make Herman regret his actions today. Cason wasn’t part of the upper class society. The

last time he saw Herman, he was driving a cheap old car, and Cason had no idea that Herman was

someone he shouldn’t mess with.

Herman didn’t give a damn about him. He took Anastasia to the cinema and bought popcorn and


“We made it just in time, didn’t miss anything.” Herman handed Anastasia the popcorn, “Do you like


Seeing Herman’s nonchalant attitude, Anastasia was really anxious, “You hit Cason. He’s a lawyer. If

he sues you, will you go to jail? It’s all

my fault” Seeing her so worried, Herman laughed, tousled her hair, “Don’t worry, every country has its

laws. Cason was harassing you first, and I, as your husband, stepped in to protect you. That’s called


“But it’s not that simple, we dont understand the law, Cason is a lawyer. If he gets a medical

examination and sues us, we’ll definitely lose. If you get involved in a lawsuit, it will affect your future

Responded Salma with a worried look.