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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45

Ms. Katelyn, how come you know so much about Herman’s childhood?” Anastasia asked with a

puzzled expression.

Katelyn suddenly felt a surge of nervousness, realizing she had blabbered too much.

With an awkward laugh, Katelyn explained, “Oh, it’s all from chats I had with Herman’s mom. You know

how it is when women get together, we just can’t stop yapping about our kids. That’s how I know so


“Ah, gotcha “Anastasia found the explanation reasonable.

Seizing the opportunity, Katelyn nudged, “Ana, you and Herman should think about having a kid of your

own. Everything changes once you have a child, men tend to become more tied to the family, and feel

more responsible.”

Considering she and Herman were still sleeping in separate rooms, Anastasia didn’t feel the rush to

have a baby.

“Ms. Katelyn, I know you mean well, but we don’t want to rush things,” Anastasia replied.

Katelyn bluntly asked, “Are you two still sleeping in separate rooms?”

The question made Anastasia a bit awkward.

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Holding Anastasia’s hand, Katelyn said with seriousness, Ana, Herman’s a good catch, you should hold

onto him tight. Men of the Salstrom family are super loyal in marriage. As long as you and Herman are

solid, you’ll have a good life ahead. I only see you as Herman’s wife.”

Anastasia felt moved by Katelyn’s approval

“Ms. Katelyn, I…” Anastasia was about to speak when her phone suddenly rang.

She quickly washed her hands and answered the call.

It was from Elysian Technologies HR department, “Is this Ms. Anastasia? This is HR from Elysian

Technologies. Congratulations, you’ve passed the interview. Please bring your medical report and

come for the onboarding process as soon as possible.”

The news left Anastasia somewhat dazed. After verifying the caller’s identity, she kept thanking them

on the phone.

After hanging up, she was still in a bit of a daze.

“Ana, what happened?” Katelyn asked curiously.

“Ms. Katelyn, I passed the interview. Elysian Technologies just called me to complete the hiring

process.” Anastasia slapped her face and said, “I really made it. I thought I had no chance.”

She had been humiliated by the interviewer during the interview and had lost hope.

This call was definitely a pleasant surprise for her.

“Really?” Katelyn was delighted to hear that Anastasia was joining their family business. It seemed

Anastasia still held a significant place in her sons heart, otherwise, she wouldn’t have been arranged to

join the family’s company

Anastasia quickly shared this good news with Herman and also texted Monica.

Everyone but Anastasia knew this was a sure thing and hence weren’t surprised.

Upon hearing Anastasia had to get a medical check–up the next day, Monica got a bit nervous and

offered to accompany Anastasia to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Herman had dinner plan that evening. He texted Anastasia to have dinner alone without

waiting for him.

Anastasia and Katelyn made a lot of dishes. Hearing Herman wasn’t coming home for dinner, she felt a

bit down,

But Anastasia didn’t show it. Knowing Herman was busy, she and Katelyn had dinner and watched TV

together until 10 pm when Katelyn went back to her place

Herman didn’t come home until 11 pm. By the time he got back, Anastasia was already asleep.

There was a piece of watermelon on the table with a sticky note that read, “Remember to eat the

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watermelon, or it won’t be fresh tomorrow.”

Herman picked up the note, a small smile playing on his lips.

He had already eaten dinner and wasn’t really hungry. But seeing the note and the smiley face on it, he

obediently sat down and ate the watermelon.

After eating the watermelon, Herman felt a bit bloated and soon started feeling uncomfortable. His

stomach was upset.

That night, Herman didn’t know how many times he ran to the bathroom. He became a bit weak and

found some medicine in the early morning before falling asleep on the living room couch

The next morning, when Anastasia came out of her room and saw Herman sleeping on the couch, she

was surprised.

Seeing that Herman was still sleeping, she tiptoed over. This was the first time she saw this man


His handsome face exuded a cold aura, thick eyebrows, tall nose, slightly closed thin lips, every detail

was striking.

Anastasia couldn’t resist the urge to touch his nose. Suddenly, Herman’s eyes shot open, and their

eyes met.