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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24

Anastasia’s words had the room wound up tighter than a drum.

Gianna, who had been flicking through her phone, looked as if she’d just swallowed a bug. The fact

that she couldn’t conceive was a thorn in her side.

Both her mother–in–law and husband were forever trying to cook up schemes for her to get pregnant.

Her mother–in–law, in particular, often insinuated that she was a barren woman in a tone tinged with


After her husband got promoted to director, her mother–in-law’s attitude towards her went from bad to

worse, even whispering in her husband’s ear

about divorce

Scared of a divorce, Glanna had hidden away at her mom’s place for a few days.

Looking at Granna, Cynthia said awkwardly. “The baby thing can’t be rushed Your cousin is still young,

and she wants a few more years of just the two of them Besides, her husband is really busy Speaking

of, Anastasia, you don’t have a boyfriend yet, right? Want me to introduce you to someone?”

Salma laughing, answered for Anastasia, “No need, big sis, Anastasia is already taken”

“Really? How come I never heard about this, is he a local?” Cynthia asked. “Anastasia, you can’t go for

an outsider. They might not share our goals, and they might be just after what they can get from you.

You wouldn’t want to get conned like your mom did

Anastasia didn’t want to answer, but seeing Cynthia repeatedly taking jabs at Salma, she couldn’t resist

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and said, “Aunt Gianna, no need to fuss, he’s a local”

Salma could only respond with a few awkward laughs.

Gianna put down her phone, and asked, “Anastasia, what does your boyfriend do? Since he’s a local,

he should have his own house, right?”

Anastasia replied honestly, “No, he rents a place. He’s just an ordinary worker. He can’t compare to

your husband.”

She knew exactly what Glanna was getting at, she just wanted to compare who had the better husband

Hearing that Anastasia’s boyfriend didn’t even own a house and was just an ordinary worker, Gianna

lost interest in asking further questions. This satisfied Cynthia as well, she wouldn’t want Anastasia to

marry someone better than her daughter’s husband

Cynthia said with false sincerity. “As long as he’s decent, it’s fine. Not everyone is as lucky as Gianna,

getting to marry such a wonderful husband.*

Anastasia didn’t respond.

In our society today, your friends and relatives would wish you well, but they’d never want you to do

better than them.

Cynthia had Salma stay for lunch and after, asked her to help push her wheelchair to the mall for a


Salma was more than willing. She wasn’t one to fuss over these little things.

Anastasia didnt want to stick around Once Salma and Cynthia left for the mall, she got a call from

Monica and left.

As she headed to the underground parking lot to get her car, Gianna, clutching her Louis Vuitton bag,

followed her out

“Anastasia,” Gianna called out, glancing at Anastasia’s car with a snide smile. “Got a new car? Did you

get this from the second–hand market?”

Gianna drove an $80,000 BMW, which, parked next to Anastasia’s ordinary Chevy, made the difference

in their worth quite obvious.

Anastasia didnt care to join this comparison game, but she was no pushover, so she retorted. “Glanna,

you should worry less about my business and more about yours. You’ve been childless for eight years

now, who knows, your husband might already be out there knocking up some other woman”

Gianna’s alarm bells were ringing, but she kept her cool and said, “He wouldn’t dare.”

Anastasia just laughed, didn’t reply, and drove off.

But Anastasia’s words had hit home for Gianna. She knew all too well how desperate her in–laws were

for a grandchild. If her husband really did find another woman to have a child with, she would be done


With that thought, Gianna immediately returned to her in–laws.

Blissful Beat

Following Monica’s instructions, Anastasia drove to the entrance of the club.

It was a members–only club, in simple terms, a place catering to the upper crust. Of course, there were

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those who got their memberships through various means, fust to suck up to the rich.

Anastasia wasn’t sure why Monica had asked to meet her here. She waited outside for a bit before

Monica came to fetch her.

“Monica, why are you here?”

“Playing golf Monica, dressed in sports attire, said. “A friend dragged me here. I was bored out of my

skull at home, so I thought I’d invite you along I heard the CEO of Elysian Technologies is coming

today. That’s actually why my friend is here.”

Anastasia asked casually, “Waiting for the CEO of Elysian Technologies for what?”

“Obviously, for an opportunity The CEO of Elysian Technologies is still single. There’s a bunch of

society ladies here today, do you think they’re here to play golf?”

With Monica’s explanation, Anastasia noticed that, indeed, there were quite a few women around,

dressed to the nines.

Anastasia chuckled, “Isn’t marriage supposed to be about love?”

“For these high society ladies, it’s different from us common folk. They have family interests to

consider. Rumor has it, that the CEO of Elysian

Technologies is young, handsome, and rich. He’s like a big juicy steak, of course people want a piece.”

Monica suddenly remembered, “Oh right, your husband works at Elysian Technologies, he must’ve met

the CEO. Is he as handsome as they say?”

Anastasia chuckled, “I have no clue, but I’ll ask him later”