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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23

Anastasia reminisced about her dream last night, saying. Im not exactly sure why just suddenly

remembered some stuff from the past”

Salma looked at Anastasia, worry etched on her face. “Anastasia, have you been under a lot of stress

lately? Is that why you’re randomly digging up the past? Don’t overthink it, it’s all water under the bridge

How are things between you and my son–in–law?”

To distract Anastasia and avoid further questions, Salma deliberately threw in that last query

“We re doing alright. Anastasia sat down, saying, “He’s always swamped with work, up at the crack of

dawn and home after dark. Oh, and a distant relative of his dropped by today, claimed to be his aunt.

She was super rice and insisted on giving me a diamond bracelet I didn’t dare accept it, it was just too


“Despite his parents passing away early, his relatives are quite decent,” Salma said. “Anastasia, I think

he is a real catch Cherish this marriage. Love can

be cultivated with time”

“Mom, I understand Anastasia didn’t want Salma to worry, so she quickly changed the subject. “What

are we having for lunch?”

Salma replied, “We’re going over to your aunt’s place for lunch I heard she sprained her ankle

yesterday. We should pay her a visit.”

Anastasia frowned. “Mom, she always thinks she’s the bee’s knees. When you were sick and in the

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hospital, she didn’t even bother to visit. Why should we go see her?”

Salma had two older sisters and a younger brother at home. Being the youngest daughter in the family,

Sahma was both pretty and studious. She was the apple of everyone’s eye, and they all hoped she

would marry well and lead a successful life

However, when Salma unexpectedly fell pregnant, her family was mortified. Salma insisted on having

the baby and eventually cut ties with her family.

Ever since Anastasia’s grandparents passed away, Salma had been filled with regret and started

reaching out to her siblings in an attempt to mend bridges

“Anastasia, we’re all family Let’s not nitpick and be more forgiving. Since we’re family, we should stick

together and tolerate each other’s mistakes. Come with me,” Salma said earnestly

Despite not wanting to visit her aunt, Anastasia accompanied her mother out of concern.

About half an hour later, Anastasia drove Salma to a slightly upscale neighborhood in another area of


As they exited the car in the parking lot, they bumped into a familiar face.

“Salma, Anastasia, what brings you here?”

Anastasia turned around to see Gianna, her cousin, standing next to a BMW

Gianna, already in her early thirties, married a doctor. Her husband was recently promoted to director.

Although she’d been married for eight years, she still didn’t have children despite trying everything

Glanna was dressed to the nines, holding a Louis Vuitton handbag that cost thousands of dollars. Her

gaze towards Anastasia and Salma was rather


Salma smiled and said, “Glanna, I heard your mom sprained her ankle, so we came to check on her”

“Oh.” Gianna’s response was just cold. She didn’t invite Anastasia and Salma upstairs. Instead, she

locked her car and headed for the elevator alone.

Gianna always came off as snobbish. Anastasia couldn’t stand her, but Salma didn’t seem to mind and

led Anastasia to follow her.

Shortly after her marriage, Anastasia’s aunt Cynthia owned three houses, which greatly elevated her

status in Riverdale. When she saw Anastasia and her mother, her demeanor was cold

Salma handed the gifts she brought to Cynthia and asked with concern, “Cynthia, is your foot feeling


Cynthia replied, “It’s alright “Instead of taking the gifts, she said. “You guys aren’t exactly rolling in

dough. You shouldn’t be spending so much on gifts. Take these back with you, no need to bring

anything next time.”

Her words weren’t out of concern, but rather a display of her looking down on Salma’s gifts.

The gifts were items that Salma had spent over 40 dollars on at the supermarket, an amount she

wouldn’t usually splurge on herself.

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Salma’s face fell a bit, but she managed to say, “Since I’ve already brought them, why don’t you just

accept them?”

Cynthia asked Salpa to put the gifts on the floor.

Watching her mother suffer such humiliation made Anastasia’s heart ache with both pain and anger.

She had urged her mother not to come several times, but Salma insisted on coming.

Just as Anastasia was about to speak up, her mother signaled her to stay quiet. Anastasia swallowed

her words.

Cynthia motioned for Anastasia and her mother to take a seat.

Back in the day, everyone in the Jewell family adored Salma. Whether it was good food or clothes, her

parents always put her first. Cynthia was always green with envy Now that she was living a better life

than Salma, she couldn’t help but feel superior.

Pulling Anastasia to sit beside her, Salma listened as Cynthia chuckled and said, “Ana, it’s been a long

time since you last visited You’ve grown more beautiful But a womans happiness still depends on

marriage Look at your cousin, she married well and lives comfortably”

Her words were a clear jab at Salma Salma was a beauty in her youth but didn’t end up with a good


Feeling a bit awkward, Salma fell silent Anastasia, however, couldn’t hold back and said, “Indeed, my

cousin is very lucky. I heard her husband was recently promoted to director But she’s been married for

eight years now, how come they don’t have children yet?*
