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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 152
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Chapter 152

Anastasia wasn’t sure how much Pattie had heard. After packing up the clothes, she look Pattie for a

bath. Pattie was silent, her wounds had healed somewhat, but she still looked very frail. It wasn’t

something that could be fixed overnight.

Standing under the showerhead, Anastasia was washing Pattie’s hair and face, chuckling “A girl should

always take good care of herself. Get cleaned up, and you’ll sleep like a baby.”

Suddenly, Pattie asked, “Are you gonna dump me too?” As soon as she said it, tears started rolling

down her cheeks, Under Anastasia’s care, Pattie experienced a warmth she had never felt before.

Hearing this, Anastasia felt a pang in her heart. She hugged Pattie and said, “Never, I won’t abandon

you. Don’t overthink. Tomorrow, I’ll talk to your mom, and see if I can bring you to live with us. I’ll take

you to kindergarten, and you’ll meet a lot of new friends, okay?”

Pattie excitedly asked, “Can I go to school?”

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Pattie had always wanted to go to school, but Penny was not willing to spend the money for it. Every

time they passed by the kindergarten, she could only watch from outside the fence.

Her peers could play together. There were teachers teaching them to dance and do morning exercises.

These made Pattie very envious

Anastasia pinched Pattie’s little nose and said, “Of course you can. You have to study hard, go to

college, and make a difference in the world.”

Pattie nodded happily, reaching out to hug Anastasia, and said, “You’re so good to me.”

Pattie wished that Anastasia could be her mother.

“You’re the sweetest, smartest little darling. I love you the most.” Anastasia said sincerely

For some reason, Anastasia couldn’t resist Pattie’s dependence. She just wanted to give Pattie the

best life and education.

After the bath, Anastasia put Pattie to bed, gently closed the door, and left the room.

Salma was watching TV in the living room, and Anastasia said, “Mom, it’s late, you should go to bed”

“It’s already 10 p.m, where is your husband?” Salma asked, “Is he often this late?”

“He sometimes has to work overtime, so he might be late.” Anastasia laughed, “He’s a programmer, so

sometimes he can get a bit busy. You should go to sleep”

With only three bedrooms in the house and one being used as a study, Salma had to share a room with

Pattie. Salma sighed and said, “I heard what you were saying to Pattie. You really make me helpless.”

“Mom, money can be earned again, but the opportunity for growth and education only comes once.

Pattie being here makes us feel so close,” Anastasia said with a smile. “If you think my husband and I

are too tired, you could help us by picking up Pattie, and sharing the load a bit.”

Salma retorted, I’m not helping. I’ll let you know how hard it is to raise a child.”

Anastasia knew her mother was just worried about her, and not truly refusing to help. So she sat next

to Salma, took her hand, and said, “Mom, thank you for raising me.”

“You’re such a cheeky girl.” Salma’s eyes welled up, she got up and said, ‘I’m going to bed, call your

husband and see if he has finished his work. There’s still warm food in the pot.”

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Anastasia smiled and said, “Okay.”

After Salma went to bed, Anastasia showered, and when she lay in bed, she glanced at the clock, it

was almost 11 p.m. Then, Anastasia called Herman, but his phone was off.

“What’s going on?” Anastasia was a bit nervous, talking to herself. She sent Herman a message but

got no response. Even when he was busy, Herman wouldn’t Ignore her.

Worried about Herman, Anastasia messaged Flynn. (Could you get in touch with Herman? His phone

is off.]

Anastasia didn’t want to do this, afraid Herman might think she was keeping tabs on him. But it was

late, he hadn’t come home, and she couldn’t reach him, so she felt uneasy.

Flynn, who had just finished a banquet, received Anastasia’s message. Although tired, he immediately

perked up. Leave it to me.]

After replying to Anastasia, Flynn drove back to Salstrom Manor If Herman hadn’t returned to Harmony

Meadows, he would have been at Salstrom Manor

When Flynn got home, he didn’t see Herman. He asked Katelyn, “Mom, have you seen Herman?

Anastasia said he hasn’t come home.”