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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135

Anastasia’s eyes welled up when she heard this. Grabbing the little girl’s hand, she said, “Come, I’ll

take you to grab some grub.” She didn’t care about the girl’s grubbiness and just scooped her up,

heading towards her car.

Herman was taken aback when he saw the girl in Anastasia’s arms. He had seen this girl in their

neighborhood before.

What was she up to?’ Herman asked. “How come she’s here all by herself?”

Gently stroking the girl’s cheek, Anastasia said, her voice heavy, “She was hungry, scrounging for

bread in the trash bin. How could her parents treat such a sweetheart like this?”

Resting quietly in Anastasia’s arms, the little girl seemed to enjoy the warmth.

Looking at the bright eyes of the girl, her dirty clothes, messy hair, and ill-fitting shoes, Herman felt a

lump in his throat. “Do you know this girl?” He asked Anastasia.

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Yeah, I’ve seen her in the neighborhood, Anastasia replied. Last time, she was starving, so I took her

home and cooked for her. Her name is Pattie, and lives in building six. I think her parents might favor

boys over girls. I tried to get community aid, but it was no use.”

“I’ve seen her in the neighborhood, too” Herman said, trying to roll up the girl’s sleeves. But the girl

quickly hid her hands behind her back, scared.

Anastasia said softly. “Pattie, we mean no harm, Can we take a look at your arm?”

Pattie seemed to trust Anastasia. She looked at her, then slowly rolled up her sleeve, revealing her

bruised arms.

She was so thin, her arms full of bruises, and her little hands were rough with many tiny wounds. It was

easy to tell she had to do chores often. Anastasia and Herman both felt a pang of pain and anger at the

sight, but they kept it to themselves in front of the child. “Anastasia, I’ll drop you off at work, then I’ll

take Pattie to grab some food and buy her some clothes,” Herman said.

Anastasia wanted to stay with them, to spend more time with Pattie, but Lauren called her to a meeting.

They had an important meeting that day, so Anastasia had to leave Pattie with Herman and head to


After dropping Anastasia off, Herman took Pattie to eat. While eating, he made a call “Nelson, I need

some clothes for a little girl, like head-to-toe outfits. for a four- or five-year-old. Shoes too. Deliver them

to Willow Gourmet

Willow Gourmet was a restaurant Herman had taken Anastasia to before, owned by Collin. The food

was great, and Pattie seemed to have a good appetite. She was truly starving.

Watching her, Herman felt a twinge of pity. He poured a glass of water for Pattie. ‘Eat slowly, don’t


Pattie gulped down the water. Most kids her age could afford to be picky eaters, but not Pattie. She

often had to make do with leftovers; sometimes she didn’t even have that

Last night, Penny lost money playing poker and took it out on her, not allowing her to eat dinner. Now

Pattie was full, but she couldn’t resist the food on the table.

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Herman caught her little hand, warning her, “Don’t eat too much, or your tummy will hurt.”

Pattie blinked at him. She remembered this man, he helped her get her kite once. “Herman, thank you,”

Pattie said politely

This was the first time Herman heard Pattie speak. If she hadn’t, he would have started to suspect she

had a speech impairment.

“You’re welcome.” Herman said gently. Pattie, can you tell me how you got those bruises?”

Pattie shook her head, clamping her mouth shut. She dared not tell the truth. Penny had threatened

her, saying she’d hit her if she blabbed. Herman gently stroked her head. Just then, Nelson came in,

panting, carrying a pile of clothes. Mr. Salstrom, I’ve got the clothes,” Nelson said, out of breath

Herman gave him only an hour to get the clothes and deliver them. Noticing Pattie, Nelson finally

understood what the clothes were for. Herman stood up, leading Pattie upstairs to a suite prepared by

Collin. When he wanted to enter, the restaurant manager opened the door immediately. Seeing Pattie’s

dirtiness, Herman realized she needed a bath. However, he felt it inappropriate for him to give her one,

so he told Nelson, ‘Find a female staffer to help Pattie clean up.”