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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133

A familiar voice, a comforting presence simple phrase, a hug and all of Anastasia’s resentment from

the past few days simply melted away Before Herman returned. Anastasia was feeling down, and was

determined not to give him any attention even when he returned. But when he embraced her, her

resolve crumbled instanth Anastasia didn’t say a word, her emotions a whirlpool. She had so much to

say but didn’t know how to start

“Are you really mad” Herman asked, kissing her forehead and cheek, his fingers lightly tracing her

waist, their ears and cheeks rubbing against each


1m sorry!

me back late” he murmured

wined silent, letting him kiss her her mind already in a whirl from his affection

as a low rumble 1 missed you, baby’

That statement was the final straw for Anastasia. She balled up her fists and began lightly pounding his

chest, a symbolic release of her emotions “Herman, you’re such a jerk.”

am a jerk.” Herman agreed, holding her hand lightly, his kisses more passionate their emotions a

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tinderbox ready to explode

If it weren’t for problems with a project. Herman would have been back sooner. He had been yearning

to return, missing her like crazy after just a few days of separation He picked her up and carried her to

the bedroom to share an wild and passionate moment

Afterwards. Anastasia lay in his arms, listening to his strong heartbeat, feeling utterly at peace. She

didn’t bring up the topic of the house. Herman held her close his thumb gently stroking her arm. After

resting a while, he said. T have something for you.”

Anastasia sat up from his embrace What is it?”

He reached over to the second drawer of the bedside table, pulling out a property deed. For you”

Seeing the deed. Anastasia was taken aback. She took it and examined it even more surprised. “Why

is my name on here?”

This was the deed for the house, and it listed the co-owners as her and Herman

Herman smiled “You’re my wife, and what’s mine is naturally yours I’ve been meaning to tell you that

this house is ours. I bought it after we got out marriage license. You were willing to weather hardships

with me, I couldn’t let you be wronged

Anastasia was so shocked she couldn’t speak. She had always thought that Herman was wary of her

afraid that she would covet the house. But it turned but she had a share in the house all along



acked the information on the deed again and again, disbelief coloring her voice as she asked. “Why did

you put my name on it? I didn’t

investment, arent you afraid I’ll covet your house”

Herman looked at her adoringly 1 think you might be more interested in my body than the house”

Hearing this Anastasia’s cheeks turned red. She was both angry and amused. She playfully slapped

his chest, feigning indifference while saying. “Who wants your body? I’m not interested”

He pulled her into his arms, playfully pinching her waist His voice was a low murmur “Hmm? Not

satisfied with my performance earlier?”


He kissed

This was

laughed, teasing him Not satisfied oh

passionately drawing her in deeply. He had been in control of his emotions for thirty years, but in front

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of Anastasia, he was defenseless

time he had ever desired a woman so much. He desperately wanted to possess her, completely

But later Anastasia was too tired. She had many questions but forgot to ask them. When she woke up

again, it was already daylight. She teached over to the empty spot beside her Herman was gone. There

were sounds coming from the living room, and it seemed like the neighbor from, downstairs was

causing trouble again

Anastasia quickly got dressed and went out. She didn’t know what Herman had said to the neighbor,

but the neighbor left with a grin that looked like she had just the lottery This was cry from their previous

nasty attitude towards Anastasia.

After the neighbor left.

Herman wrapped his


around Anastas

derman What did you say to her? She was grinning like she just won the lottery”

smile playing on his lips. That’s because your husband is so charming *

She laughed “You’re so full of yourself