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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 129
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Chapter 129

Pattie was out like a light in Anastasia’s arms in no time.

Anastasia had a faint, comforting scent about her that was so soothing it made you feel right at home.

Pattie was clinging onto Anastasia’s skirt for dear life, a clear sign of her deep-seated insecurity

Watching Pattie snooze away, Anastasia felt an odd sense of peace. She cautiously placed the child on

the bed. When she took off Pattie’s shoes, she noticed they were old, worn out and didnt even fit


What kid wasnt the apple of their parents’ eye these days? Even the most neglectful of parents

wouldn’t let their kid strut around in shoes like these.

Pattie’s heels were all worn out, but she’d never once complained about it hurting.

Seeing the wounds on Pattie’s feet had already broken Anastasia’s heart. But when she took off

Pattie’s clothes, she couldn’t hold back the tears. Pattie was black and blue all over. Clearly, someone

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had been beating her. There were finger marks and thin lines, as well as a bunch of small wounds like

she’d been pricked with a needle

Was this child abuse?

Anastasia’s hand was shaking, she wanted to touch Pattie’s wounds, but she didn’t dare, afraid it would

cause Pattie more pain. Anastasia couldn’t hold back her tears

Just then, the doorbell rang Anastasia wiped away her tears and went to open the door. It was Monica

“Ana, are you feeling okay Monica had heard Anastasia wasn’t feeling well, so she came to check on

her. Seeing her red, tear-streaked eyes, she quickly asked, “Why are you crying?

“Shh!” Anastasia made a hushing gesture. “Keep it down, the kid just fell asleep, don’t wake her.”

“Kid? What kid? Monica was totally lost

“I found a kid in the neighborhood “Anastasia quickly filled her in

Intrigued, Monica peered into the bedroom Pattie was sleeping like a log Monica thought she saw a bit

of Anastasia in Pattie.

Monica thought of the child Anastasia’s mother had given away a few years back. If Anastasia’s child

hadn’t been given away, she’d be about Pattie’s age by now

Monica asked, “Whose kid is this? Ana, you cant just bring her home like this, her parents must be

locking for her”

Tasked around in the neighborhood group chat. No ones claimed her yet” Anastasia glanced at the

peacefully sleeping Pattie. This kid She’s been abused, covered in wounds”

Monica curiously lifted the blanket for a peek and, seeing the heartbreaking bruises, angrily said. “Who

the hell does something like this? How could anyone lay a finger on such a cute little girl? Ana, we

need to call the police”

“Lets wait until she wakes up and we can ask her what happened,” Anastasia said. “The kid seems a

bit quiet. She doesnt talk much, I’ve been with her for a while, and she’s only said one sentence

Rushing to call the police before they fully understood the situation wouldn’t solve Pattie’s problem and

could potentially cause more trouble.

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“Poor thing” Monica sighed. She glanced at Anastasia, wondering how the child Anastasia had given

away was doing now

If that child had also suffered this kind of abuse, it would have been absolutely heartbreaking. Monica

was relieved that Anastasia didn’t remember her past, otherwise, she would certainly be devastated.

Anastasia said. “Let’s go to the living room, let the kid get some more sleep”

The two of them left the bedroom, and Anastasia gently closed the door Monica remembered her

original purpose for her visit and asked, “Ana, what’s been bothering you today?”

When Anastasia thought about Herman’s deception, she felt extremely upset. With no one else to vent

to, she could only pour out her frustrations to Monica Anastasia took a deep breath and said, “Monica, I

found out Herman’s been hiding something from me, he’s lied to me, he’s been lying since the


Upon hearing this, Monica tensed up. Had Herman’s real identity been discovered? Monica asked

tentatively, “How did he deceive you? Weren’t you guys doing great? Just the other day, you texted me

saying you guys went to watch a movie. Don’t tell me he’s seeing another woman?”