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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 127
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Chapter 127

In no time, the property management staff found the information of the owner of room BD2

“Got it Jot this phone number down on your phone the staff said.

“Okay thanks”

Anastasia took out her phone, inputting in her contacts each number the staff read out loud. As she

entered the phone number, it started to feel eerily

familiar to her

When she finished inputting the whole number, the contact that popped up on her phone was labeled

my Mr. Salstrom, which took her by surprise

Why on earth would the owner’s phone number be the same as Hermans? She must have entered it


Anastasia said with a smile, “Could you read it again? I think I messed up.”


She met over 100 guys but didn’t find love. In China, marriage is p… Sponsored: CNA

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The staff read the number again, but still, the same number came up: Hermans. Anastasia listened

carefully this time. There was no way she could’ve

made a mistake.

Bewildered, Anastasia asked, “What’s the owner’s name?”

The staff glanced at the computer screen showing the owner’s information and said, It’s Herman. Didn’t

your husband tell you?”

Hearing Herman’s name. Anastasia was shocked. She couldn’t believe it and rushed to see the

information on the computer herself

Everything was correct. The number was right, the name was right.

She couldn’t put into words how she felt right now. Herman had lied to her. The house wasn’t rented, it

was bought by Herman.

She clearly remembered Herman saying the house was rented, with a monthly rent of 8500

All lies, everything was a lie.

She met over 100 guys but didn’t find love. In China, marriage is p… Sponsored: CNA

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Anastasia couldn’t understand why Herman would lie about renting the house. Was he afraid shed

have her eyes on it? Was he trying to protect himself?

Her mind was a mess, and her emotions were all over the place. She walked out of the property

management office in a daze, holding her phone but not daring to call and confront him.

The house in Harmony Meadows, over a hundred square meters, also cost over ten million. They had

rushed into marriage, so he was probably trying to protect himself, worried she’d go after his pre-

marriage assets. Anastasia sat on a bench in the community playground, bathed in sunlight, quietly

sitting alone

Monica called, and Anastasia answered listlessly, “Hello, Monica”

Monica asked, “Where are you? Why haven’t you come over? We were supposed to do facials today”

“Monica, I’m not feeling well. I’ll pass today, maybe next time. Anastasia’s voice was weak and


After hanging up. Anastasia saw Herman’s number in her contacts and couldn’t resist calling him.

Herman, hundreds of kilometers away, was in the middle of a meeting with an important client. Seeing

a call from Anastasia, he excused himself and answered. “Anastasia, what’s up?”

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His voice was gentle, which surprised his client. The Herman they feared in the business world had a

soft side?

Sitting on the bench in the community Anastasia heard Herman’s voice. Her hand nervously clenching

the bench as she tried to speak,”Are you busy right now?

Herman replied in a detached tone, Not busy, Anastasia. What’s up?”

She met over 100 guys but didn’t find love. In China, marriage is p… Sponsored: CNA

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Anastasia tried to keep her emotions in check and asked, “Um, isn’t it time to pay the rent? Are you

going to do it when you get back, or should 17”

Tll take care of it when I get back You don’t need to worry about these trivial matters”

Disappointed with his response, Anastasia realized he was still lying to her

“Okay, you go back to your work Anastasia hung up. She was afraid that if she said one more word,

she wouldn’t be able to hide her emotions.

She met over 100 guys but didn’t find love. In China, marriage is p… Sponsored: CNA

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