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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 Destroying the Morgans

“I know. I know.”

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Evelyn used all her strength to push herself upright and turned to deeply bow

to Claire. “I am sorry, Claire. I should not have threatened you with what

your mother left for you. I also should not have pressured you into marrying

Xander after what he did to you. It is all my fault. I was wrong. Please forgive me.”

Evelyn was a powerful figure in Silverton. She was a daughter of the esteemed Vanderbilts, the Morgan


However, she was now lowering herself to bow to Claire.

If not for the fact that Sean was much higher in the family hierarchy, Claire would have been too afraid

to accept being bowed to.

Suddenly, her sorrow vanished. In fact, she even felt like laughing.

Sean really was amazing and reliable. She would definitely be bringing him. along wherever she went

so that she could actually put on airs.

“I’ll forgive you since you told me about the truth of what happened all those years ago.”

Deep down, Evelyn heaved a huge sigh of relief. Still, she did not dare straighten up and just glanced

up at Sean.

Sean coldly smirked. “Since Claire has forgiven you, I won’t hold this against you. As punishment, you

will not receive anything from the Vanderbilts next year”

Chapter 72 Destroying the Morgans


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“Understood!” Evelyn was not at all upset about it. In fact, she felt happy and relieved. “Don’t worry, Mr.

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Sean. I know what to do.”

It had been several long minutes since Claire and Sean’s arrival, yet Mrs. Hill had yet to serve them

any drinks. Evelyn instantly stood up straight and shouted toward the kitchen, “Mrs. Hill, is the tea done

steeping yet? Why haven’t you served our guests?”

Currently, Mrs. Hill was leaning against the door of the kitchen as her legs shook.

Tea? What tea?

She had been overwhelmed by terror as she thought the Morgans would be de

by the end of the day.

“There’s no need.”

Sean got up and pulled Claire to her feet. “We have other business to attend to. We’ll leave you to your


Although he had visited the Morgans twice already during his stay in Silvertor he had never once

stayed for a meal, always leaving the moment he was done


Evelyn never dared to force him to stay, so all she could do was plaster a happy smile on her face as

she said, “Very well. Take care, Mr. Sean, Claire.”

After saying that, she grabbed the share transfer agreement from the coffee table and reverently held it

out to Claire with both of her hands.

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Chapter 72 Destroying the Mongans

“Alright. You may head back now. No need to see us off.”

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Evelyn let out a breath she was holding as she watched Claire and Sean walk away, hand in hand.

Thank goodness for Claire’s kind nature. Otherwise, Evelyn would be forced to suffer in the future. That

was if Sean did not destroy the Morgans first.

On this day, the Morgans had narrowly escaped destruction.

What a pity. Claire could have been her daughter–in-law. It was all her son’s fault for being so blind as

to fall for someone as vain and foolish as Clarissa while ignoring such a kind and smart woman.

Look at what happened now. Once Claire married Sean, Evelyn would be the one who had to treat

Claire with respect while calling her “Mrs. Claire.”

Her daughter–in–law had jumped straight over her in the family hierarchy. What a joke.

Throughout the walk away from the mansion, Claire suppressed her joy. She only let go of Sean’s hand

to dance with joy once the gates of Morgan residence fully closed.

“Haha! Sir, I have never seen Evelyn act like that before. I bet she must be fuming inside that house

right now.”

Sean turned to look at her. “Why would she be fuming?”

“Two days ago, she was so certain that she had me under her thumb. Now, she has to bow and grovel

before me. Why would she not be seething with anger?


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Chapter 72 Destroying the Morgans

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Ever since her return to Silverton, Claire had stopped by the Morgan. residence twice. Both times, it

was Sean who helped her out, nearly causing the Morgans to piss themselves from fear.

Claire was most likely the one person in Silverton who could make the Morgans taste defeat twice.

She let go of Sean’s hand and dashed forward so that she was standing in front of him as she spun

around. “Does this mean that I am the top dog of Silverton since I have you by my side, Sir?”

Sean chuckled. “Only dogs can be top dogs.”

“What’s wrong with dogs?” Claire tilted her head back in a mock howl, just like a dog. “I want to be a

dog. Look at how cool I am!”

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In Sean’s eyes, Claire was exceedingly cute. She looked just like a child who would never grow up,

always needing his care and protection. Her innocence was something only he could witness.

Suddenly, a husky appeared before them, running hard with its tongue goofily flapping in the wind.

Sean frowned. Just as the husky was about to crash into Claire, he hurriedly grabbed Claire by the

waist and tugged her into his embrace.

The husky ran like mad, leaving drool flying through the air as it sprinted past Claire.

Chapter 72 Destroying the Montans

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Sean’s arms suddenly tightened around Claire, abruptly pressing her close to his body without a single

inch of space between them.

As Sean was only wearing a black shirt, Claire felt like his body heat was burning her as it radiated

through the thin fabric.

She could hear his strong and steady heart thumping, causing her heart to pound hard as it raced.

Sean looked down with a gentle smile in his eyes. “What’s so nice about being the top dog? It is better

to be a lapdog.”

A lapdog?

Claire understood the term to mean dogs that always lazed about in their

owners‘ laps, forever freeloading off others to survive.

She stared into his eyes and whispered, “The victim will suffer.“”

Sean raised an eyebrow as his eyes sparkled brighter with mirth. “You can


Puzzled, Claire asked, “How?”

Sean let go of her and turned away from her before kneeling down. As he patted his shoulders, he

said, “Get on.”


Claire burst out laughing. “Is giving me a piggyback ride what you meant?”

Chapter 73 Is That All?