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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 Leave Me Be Unless It’s the End of the World

Claire was exasperated. “Fine. What happened was my fault. You’re an upstanding man who would

never flirt or tease the ladies.”

“Not really,” Sean bluntly replied. “It depends on who the lady is. I would do it if it’s you.”

Claire gritted her teeth in anger. “You admit that you were teasing me then.”

“No,” Sean solemnly said. “I merely wanted to smooth your hair out.”

Claire stared, speechless.

Just what was she doing? Why was she discussing with a man about whether not he was teasing her?

“Whatever. You win.” Still annoyed with him, she pushed him away. “I’m

heading back in to clean up.”

Sensing someone staring at them, Sean promptly wrapped his arms around Claire’s waist and lifted her

up in a carry before walking over to the wall so that they would be hidden by the curtains.

“Aw, now they can’t see us.”

Julia pouted, disappointed.

With her chin in her hands, Belle determinedly stared at the curtains. “Julia, will he bite Mommy?”

Chapter Leave Me Be Unless It’s the End of the World

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Julia pouted, disappointed.

With her chin in her hands, Belle determinedly stared at the curtains.

“Julia, will he bite Mommy?”

“Bite?” Julia was visibly shocked. “Why would he bite her?”

Belle blinked and heaved a heavy sigh. “That’s what the TV shows, right? First,

it’ll be a few kind and gentle words. Then, the man will viciously bite the woman’s mouth before

dragging her into the bedroom for a flogging.”

Julia stared in silence.

Belle’s phrasing had rendered her speechless.

As Julia pondered hard, she realized Belle was not wrong.

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Jon rolled his eyes in exasperation before getting on a small stool to gather up the plates on the table.

“It’s time for your performance, Julia.”

Julia glanced at the dishes on the table. As an adult, she could not let the kids wash, right?

“Fine. I’ll wash the dishes. Belle, keep an eye on them for me. Tell me every single detail if something


“Calm down,” Belle replied with a wave of her hand. “I won’t let him beat up my Mommy. You don’t have

to worry about that.”

It would be better if a beating was all that happened.

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Chapter 53 Leave Me Be Unless It’s the End of the World

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Julia happily gathered up the dishes and headed into the kitchen. If Sean dared to lay a single hand on

Claire, Julia would be the only person living in the apartment.

Behind the curtain, Sean had pinned Claire against the wall. The faint minty scent lingering around him

engulfed her. Just like a trapped beast, there was no escape or chance of struggling away.


Claire was overwhelmed with embarrassment. “The children are still outside.”

With his hands against the wall next to her, Sean had trapped her between the wall and him. His proud

eyes were lowered as he tilted his head down to rest his forehead against hers. “I love you, Claire. You

still haven’t replied to me yet.”

Was that all?

After all that fuss, that was what he wanted to know?

Suddenly, Claire’s frustration was replaced by anger as she snorted. “You didn‘ t look like you wanted

to know my answer when you spotted Belle and Jon yesterday.”

“That was because Julia said you had dated a scumbag before. When the children appeared out of

nowhere with Joseph, I thought Joseph was that


Sean’s scowl was soon replaced by a self–deprecating chuckle. “I thought of

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Chapter 51 Leave Me Be Unless IT’s The 1 nd of th World


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killing Joseph after I left, but I hesitated when I thought of how sad you would be. I kept hesitating until

last night when Belle and Jon knocked on my


Realization struck Claire. No wonder Joseph had disappeared soon after handing Belle and Jon over to

her. He had noticed the murderous glare in

Sean’s eyes.

She burst into laughter. “Haha! Thank goodness for the hesitation.”

Sean’s face instantly darkened. “Why? Is he actually that man?”

“No,” Claire hurriedly explained. “He’s just a friend who was taking care of Belle and Jon because I’m

doing something very important in Silverton.“”

Sean softly chuckled and gently ran his fingers through Claire’s hair as though he was caressing a

precious piece of artwork. His voice sounded so tender and sympathetic. “Don’t worry. I’ve fortified the

security around here. No one will get to the children.”

Claire was surprised. Sean was acting very different today.

“The thing bothering you wasn’t Jon and Belle, but that man?”

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Chapter 55 Leave Me Be Unless It’s the End of the World

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However, she just watched Sean play Go with Jon while Belle sat on his lap. It was such a gorgeous

scene filled with warmth that she found she could accept a man like him in her life as long as he

continued treating the children like that.

When she did not answer, disappointment flashed in his eyes. “I see.”

He then let go, setting her free.

Just as he was about to turn around, Claire suddenly grabbed his wrist. He whirled around to be

greeted by Claire kissing him on the lips while standing on her tiptoes. It was a very gentle kiss that had

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her cheeks burning bright red while she angrily threatened him like a kid about to do something bad,

“That will depend on your behavior.”

As Sean watched her run away, he raised a hand to touch his lips while a happy chuckle rumbled

through his throat.

She was exactly his cup of tea, be it in looks or personality.

The kiss was much sweeter than the kiss he had stolen from her through a script.

That evening while Belle and Jon brushed their teeth, they noticed an extremely ecstatic look on

Sean’s face through the mirror.

Jon gurgled and spat before turning around to ask, “Did you get her?”

Sean simply kept quiet with one hand in his pocket while proudly raising his eyebrows in response.

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Chapter 53 Leave Me Be Unless It’s the End of the World

eyebrows in response.

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Jon rolled his eyes in exasperation and hopped off the step stool. “If you don’t date her with the

expectation to marry her, you’re just a scoundrel.”

With one hand, Jon gestured from his eyes to Sean. “I’m watching you. Don’t even think about doing

anything to Mommy before you’re marring her.”

Sean was rendered speechless.

What was wrong with this kid?

Why was he so wise despite his young age?

Inside the president’s office of Solstice Industries, the chubby Mr. Anderson brooded in his chair while

thick stacks of documents occupied his desk. He

had not touched a single one of them.

He had worked hard to reduce the piles until there was a tiny gap for a cup of coffee, but it had already

gone cold.

Suddenly, his desk phone rang. He shot it a glare before angrily answering the phone. “What is it?

Didn’t I say to leave me be unless the world is ending?”