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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51 Not as Good as You

Claire was speechless.

Julia continued crying. “I hadn’t even finished my words before he started glaring at me like he wanted

to eat me. I’ve been hiding from him for the last two days. I don’t even dare look at him.”

Claire has been wondering why Julia was suddenly acting so timid and well–behaved while she was

used to calling Sean “Sir” and pestered him. Moreover, Julia did not even stop by for breakfast when

invited. At present,

Claire understood why.

“It’ll be fine.” Claire grabbed Julia by the arm to tug her toward the door. “He even didn’t get angry when

I told him that the father died, so go on.”

Forcefully shoved out the door, Julia stood in the middle of the corridor, at a loss for what to do.

Should she knock on the door?

No, she could not. She did not dare.

Should she just stand at the door?

No. Someone else might think she was being a bodyguard instead.

What should she do?

Frustrated, she paced back and forth in the corridor. Suddenly, the elevator dinged, Julia whirled

around in surprise, and found the elevator doors


Chapter 51 Not as Good as You

dinged. Julia whirled around in surprise, and found the elevator doors opening before her eyes to

reveal Sean’s cold face staring back at her.

“S–Sir, Uh…”

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She immediately darted back to her apartment door with a whoosh as though she had just seen a

ghost. However, when she arrived at the door, she was

reminded of the task Claire had assigned to her. She had no choice but to screech to a stop. Still, she

did not dare even look back as she stood there with her back to Sean while her legs trembled


“S–Sir, Claire said you’re invited over for dinner tonight. She’ll cook by


Without waiting for Sean’s response, she swiftly opened the door and ran into the apartment.

Sean frowned. Why did it feel like Julia was more afraid of him than ghosts


Well … Claire would be cooking dinner tonight…

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His lips twitched upward in a smirk as he cheerfully walked into Claire’s apartment with a hand in his

pocket. He did not even bother to head back to his place first.

“Sir… ”

The moment Belle spotted Sean walking through the door, she hurriedly abandoned the Devil’s needle

puzzle she had been working on and skipped over to him. When she got close to him, she immediately

leaped up to hug him around the waist while her legs clamped onto his thigh. She looked just like

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Chapter 51

Good as You

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His lips twitched upward in a smirk as he cheerfully walked into Claire’s apartment with a hand in his

pocket. He did not even bother to head back to his place first.


The moment Belle spotted Sean walking through the door, she hurriedly abandoned the Devil’s needle

puzzle she had been working on and skipped over to him. When she got close to him, she immediately

leaped up to hug him. around the waist while her legs clamped onto his thigh. She looked just like

a koala bear while hanging off him.

“I’ve missed you so much, sir.”

Jon disdainfully rolled his eyes at Belle’s behavior. This was not the

behavior of someone who missed the other person. It was almost bedtime. She

missed the bed in Sean’s apartment.

Sean looked down at Belle, who was staring up at him with dimpled cheeks. She looked so cute that

his heart immediately melted into goo. His broad palms wrapped around her waist as he lifted her up to

carry her in his arms.

There was an extremely gentle glow in his deep, dark eyes. He smiled as he asked, “Miss me so


Belle’s rosy lips were pursed in a smile as she leaned over to kiss him on

the cheek. “So much!”


That immediately brightened Sean’s mood. With Belle in his arms, he walked

over to the rug and raised an eyebrow at the toys on the floor.

Chapter 51 Not as Good as You

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All the toys were puzzles that were so hard that most adults would not be able to solve them, let alone

children. Were these two kids really playing with such mentally challenging toys at young ages?

With Belle still in his arms, he sat down and casually picked up the disentanglement puzzle she was

playing with. With a few deft twists of his slender fingers, he soon solved the puzzle.

Julia was dumbfounded, feeling as if this entire apartment was filled with


“What’s so impressive about that?”

Jon scornfully snorted. “These are for babies. I’m not even playing with them anymore. It’s just

something to kill the time with.”

“Oh?” Sean put the puzzle down on the rug and asked, intrigued, “What do you want to play with?”

For a moment, Jon solemnly considered his answer with a chubby fist tucked under his chin. Then, he

glanced at Sean out of the corner of his eye. “A game of shudan?”

Shudan was an alternative name that only enthusiasts and professionals of the game knew. Naturally,

that meant Sean may not know what Jon was talking about. Nevertheless, Sean chuckled and nodded.

“Very well. Your mom will be cooking for a while, so we can play one round.”

Jon gleefully stood up and grabbed the Go board from Claire’s room along with two boxes of Go


Cluapter 51 Not as Good as Your

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Thus, their tall and short figures were soon sat by the coffee table.

Belle was exceptionally well–behaved throughout the game. As she sat on Sean’s lap with her arms

around his neck, she did not fuss or make a single noise as she stared at the board with her deep

brown eyes.

As Julia watched from the side, she suddenly found the entire scene a rather heartwarming sight to


She had seen many men hanging around Claire. No matter how great they were to the children, they

were never able to completely integrate themselves into the children’s activities like Sean had.

The serious glint in his eyes as he looked down at the board showed an absolute lack of dismissive

attitude toward Jon just because he was a child. The way Sean held Belle was also so gentle that it

was as if he was her


“Claire, I think Mr. Vanderbilt really likes Belle and Jon.”

Claire was busy with the beef. Everything else was all chopped up and ready, to be simply blanched or

heated up once the beef was done.

When Claire heard what Julia said, she walked over to the doorway and looked

out into the living room. The sight of Sean with an arm around Belle caused her lips to twitch upward in

an unwitting smile.

She did not recall a single moment when Robert had hugged her. All her life, she craved the warmth

and love of a father. However… She couldn’t.

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Hence, Sean currently looked the exact picture of what she had yearned for in her youth–a father.



Chapter 51 Not as Good as You

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Hence, Sean currently looked the exact picture of what she had yearned for in her youth-a father.

Uncontrollable tears welled up in her eyes, causing her to quickly turn

around back to the stove. She widened her eyes in an attempt to forcefully suppress the tears that

were on the brink of rolling down her cheeks.

Julia was standing behind Claire, and even though she could not fully

understand what Claire felt, she knew that no matter how nice Sean was to

Claire, nothing could touch her as much as the way he played with the


An hour later, dinner was served.

Jon stared at the board with a furrow on his brows. He had been backed into a corner with no way out.

While he was not happy with the result, he still placed the rest of his stones on the board. “I’ve lost.”

Sean stared at Jon for a moment before finally letting out a low chuckle.

The brat was a good player.

Despite his young age, Jon did not cry or throw a tantrum just because he lost. He was so open–

minded that he was acting just like a Go master.

“You’ve done very well to play against me even though you’re just a kid. The men working with me

can’t even last as long as you did.”

“Hmph!” Jon crossed his arms and shot to his feet in irritation. “You don’t have to pacify me. If I’m not

as good as you, just say it. Don’t celebrate just yet. I’ll win next time!”

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“You’ve done very well to play against me even though you’re just a kid. The men working with me

can’t even last as long as you did.”

“Hmph!” Jon crossed his arms and shot to his feet in irritation. “You don’t have to pacity me. If I’m not

as good as you, just say it. Don’t celebrate just yet. I’ll win next time!”

“Stop arguing. Come on. It’s time to eat.”

When Claire called out, Sean and the children promptly stood up and headed to the bathroom to wash

their hands before sitting down at the dinner table.

Afraid that Sean might feel awkward, Claire first served him. “Sir, make yourself at home.”

In fact, Sean did not hold back at all. After finishing up the food Claire served him, he immediately went

back for more and more without stopping. When

Belle and Jon saw that the beef was about to be finished off, they hurriedly served themselves.

Chapter 52. Teasing Her Ear