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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45 Missing Children

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Chapter 45 Missing Children

After searing the steaks, Sean served them on intricate plates placed on a hardwood table while forks

and knives were laid out next to the plates.

Sean had just picked up his cutlery when he was suddenly struck by a thought. He looked up at the

children and asked, “Do you need me to cut them up?”

“Thanks, but it’s fine, Sir.””

Belle picked up her cutlery and started cutting. While it took a lot of effort to cut into her steak, she did

not complain at all. Jon did not look as awkward as Belle as he cut into his steak, but he was not that



Sean was impressed by their behavior. They were willing to do everything themselves and would rather

not trouble others when the task was possible for them. Claire had evidently taught them well.

After they were done with their steaks, Sean watched over the children as they brushed their teeth. As

he watched the toothpaste bubble around their mouths, he thought of Claire.

Claire had yet to lose her naiveté. Was she expecting to remain as the

children’s friends forever?

When Jon looked up after he had finished brushing his teeth, he noticed Sean blankly staring at Belle

and him. He crossed his arms before his chest and confidently asked, “Are you thinking of Mommy,


Sean instantly snapped back to his senses. For a moment, he felt too afraid to even look lon in the eve

“Not at all If you’re done let’s en to

Chapter 45 Missing Children


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confidently asked, “Are you thinking of Mommy, Sir?”

Sean instantly snapped back to his senses. For a moment, he felt too afraid to even look Jon in the

eye. “Not at all. If you’re done, let’s go to


Jon pouted and followed Sean with Belle beside him.

Fortunately, Sean had Victor prepare a guest bedroom that was occupied by a king–sized bed. There

was enough bed space for the two children.

After tucking them in, Sean patiently asked, “Do you need me to tell you a bedtime story?”

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Jon poked his head out of the blanket with his nose wrinkled in disgust. “We’re not babies. Why would

we need bedtime stories?”

Sean silently stared.

Well, perhaps he was offering too much.

Still, what was the deal with Jon? Why did this tiny child seem to know


He also held himself in a way that made him seem as confident and powerful as


Sean preferred Belle. She was so cute and soft. Girls really were better children than boys!

Without saying another word, he loudly turned off the lights before gently closing the door. He refused

to hold a grudge against a child.

14:55 Wed,

Chapter 45 Missing Children




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During summer, the sun rose bright and early.

Claire woke up with the first ray of sunshine streaming into her room as her

mind was preoccupied with thoughts of her children.

Her mood was always good when her children were by her side.

She lazily stretched and turned around. As she opened her eyes, she happily

said, “Good morning, Belle, Jon.”

Oh, no!

Where were her children?

She shot out of the bed and through the bedroom door as if she had been struck by lightning. She did

not even stop to put on her slippers.

“Jon! Belle!”

They were not on the couch or anywhere else in the living room. They were no

in the kitchen or the bathroom. She even ran over to Julia’s room and barged into it without knocking.

Julia had been sprawled out on her bed. When Claire ran in, she was jolted away and immediately sat

up. “What are you doing, Claire?”

Claire’s face was filled with anxiety. Tears shimmered in her brown eyes. “Julia, Belle and Jon are


“Missing?” Julia ran her hands through her messy hair and as she got out of bed, she asked. “Have you

looked in the bathroom or the kitchen?”

14:56 We

Chapter 45 Missing Children

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“I have. They’re not there!”

Julia was stunned. She knew that this was major. Where else could the children have gone outside the


It was their first time back in the country. They were not familiar with the culture here, and they were

around three years old. If left out in the world,

they were lambs waiting to be sacrificed. Julia started panicking as well.

“Don’t panic, Claire. I’ll look for them too.”

Without stopping to comb their hair or wash their faces, they got into the

elevator in their nightgowns and slippers. In fact, if Julia had not forcefully shoved a pair of slippers into

Claire’s arms, Claire would be walking around on bare feet.

Everyone said women had it hard, but single mothers had it the hardest.

Claire had lived with Julia ever since her escape. Julia had rented an apartment near the university she

was studying in back then. She watched as Claire went through morning sickness that was so bad it

sounded like Claire would die vomiting.

She had tried to convince Claire to abort. After all, children born without a

father always had the worst to deal with in life.

Claire had wiped her mouth with a tissue and happily smiled through the nausea building up in her. “I

have no more family left in this world. The baby is my only family. How can I bear to steal his life away

before he had the chance to see this beautiful world?”


Chapter 45 Missing Children


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They had thought the hardest part of raising the children was when the babies were still breastfeeding.

They had not imagined the time when the children learned to walk was the most tiring stage.

Fortunately, the two children were very smart and cute. At the age of three, they could take care of

themselves already. Of course, they still entrusted them to Joseph when Claire left.

Thus, Julia perfectly understood Claire’s feelings.

“Claire, I’ll search around the area while you ask management for the surveillance records. This entire

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building has been bought over by Sean, so everyone here should be on our side.”

Claire did not have time to think about if Sean was actually on her team as

the elevator doors had opened. They immediately dashed out.

“Excuse me, my children are missing. Can we have a look at last night’s

surveillance records?”

The security guard on duty was a man who was part of the team Victor had briefed about Claire. In

fact, Victor had shown a photo of Claire to everyone working in the building so that they could help her

at all times.

As soon as the man heard that, he shot to his feet. “Very well. Come with


With a target in mind, the man was able to immediately pull up the

surveillance records from the cameras outside Claire’s apartment. At around 11 20 p.m., her apartment

door swung open to reveal two children walking out to

the corridor

Chapter 45 Missing Children

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20 p.m., her apartment door swung open to reveal two children walking out to the corridor.

Anxiety rose in Claire. “There they are!”

The man heaved a sigh of relief and watched the video with Claire by his side.

The two children knocked on the doors of two other units on the same floor. When no one answered

the door, they headed to the final door that swung open to reveal Sean’s face.

They were at Sean’s unit.

Claire’s joy barely lasted more than a few seconds before a cold chill spread across her body.

Shoot. Sean did not like children. Would he abuse Belle and Jon?

Claire did not dare dally. After thanking the security guard, she called

Julia before heading back upstairs.

As she stood before Sean’s door, she took a deep breath to make herself look calm before ringing the


In just ten seconds, the door was opened to reveal Claire standing there in a set of pajamas covered in

cartoon drawings with her feet covered by a pair of slippers dotted with cartoon pictures. When he

spotted the messy–haired woman standing outside, he smiled.

How could she look so cute at all times despite the situation?

14:56 Wed,

Chapter 46 Miss Donovan’s Children