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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 The Children Who Appeared Out of Nowhere

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Frankly speaking, Sean did not have to renovate the apartment. When he bought it, the previous owner

had already renovated the place. However, Sean did not like modern interior design and had some

contractors re–do the interior design while the furniture currently furnishing the unit all came from his


Hence, there was no chemical scent in the apartment, only a faint minty fragrance.

Sean sat in the rattan chair in the study room. As he thought about what Julia had said, his eyes grew


Claire had dated a man before.

It was a scumbag.

When did she meet that man? Was it before that night or after?

After thinking about it, he was certain the encounter must not have been before that night. After all,

Claire was engaged to Xander, and she was not the kind of woman who slept around.

In that case, it must have been after she met Sean.

Sean was holed up inside the study room for the whole morning. Once lunch was ready, Jason

knocked on the door. He knocked and knocked, but no response could be heard. Jason did not dare

knock again, so he anxiously waited by the door.

14:54 Wed,


Chapter 43 The Children Who Appeared Out of Nowhere

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The entire afternoon passed by, and Sean did not leave the study room at all.

Jason could bear it no longer and knocked on the door again.

He had just raised his hand to knock when the door suddenly swung open to reveal Sean’s icy face.

“You’re finally coming out, Mr. Sean. You haven’t eaten anything all day. Come eat something.”

Sean glanced at the standing clock. It was already 6:10 p.m.

“You may head back to the mansion, Jason. I can take care of myself,” Sean


“Mr. Sean, this apartment is huge. You’ll need someone to clean and cook…”

Sean strode past Jason and entered the kitchen. Then, he pulled out a carton of milk from the fridge.

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With a tilt of his sensual neck, he gulped down the entire carton of milk.

Jason could tell that Sean was not in a good mood, but he did not know what, to say. In the end, he

sighed and left the apartment.

After sitting in the living room for 20 minutes, Sean stood up and opened the unit door to stride over to

Claire’s apartment.

Ding dong.

As the doorbell rang, Claire appeared at the doorway, dressed in casual loungewear. She was not

surprised to see him. “Are you here for food, Sir?”

He looked past Claire’s shoulder with his dark eyes and observed the apartment

14.54 Wed, Nov


Chapter 43 The Children Who Appeared Out of Nowhere

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He looked past Claire’s shoulder with his dark eyes and observed the apartment Julia was currently

sitting on a chair by the dining table with her legs

crossed. She had been happily enjoying her food but hurriedly ducked her head

down in guilt when she saw him looking at her.

“You’re still eating?” he calmly asked.

Was he not here for free food? Claire did not understand why he was at her

door. As she lazily leaned against the door frame, she asked, “Do you need something, Sir?”

Sean pursed his lips. “If you’re done with your meal, would you accompany me

for a walk downstairs?”

Claire was almost done with her meal anyway. She glanced down at her outfit.

It was fine to walk around the area in her loungewear, so she turned to pull out a pair of white sneakers

from the shoe cabinet. After putting them on, she turned to say to Julia, “Wash up once you’re done,


Julia did not even dare to look at the door, so she nodded and mumbled, “Got


It was only then that Claire smiled and patted Sean on the arm. “Let’s go.”

While inside the tiny elevator, Sean remained silent. Claire turned her head to sneakily glance at him.

She could not help but marvel at how he was still as sharply dressed as ever in a tailored black suit and

white collar shirt.

What a stern man. He was dressed in a formal suit, even at home.

They walked out of the elevator and along the path that looped around the area shaded by tall trees.

The sky grew darker, and the first star of the night

“Claire.” Sudden Sean stopped and turned to look at her.

Sumed. Claire felt like he was going to say something important to her. Thus, she hurried tumed

around to face him as well

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She looked up and stared at him unwavering

Sean looked down. The usual sharpness in his gaze had dissipated, giving way to a gentle glow that

emanated from the depth of his eyes. Standing tall behind him was a majestic tree and the first evening

star adored the night. Everything looked so perfect.

As Claire held her breath, she heard him say, “Claire. I like you.”

Just like Sean, even in the confession of his love, he was completely


The atmosphere was so solemn that she thought he was going to say somethi

very important. She had not expected it to be an extremely simple confession

of love.

Claire’s eyelashes fluttered as she gazed up at him with fair cheeks swiftly turning red.

Chapter 43 The Children Who Appeared Out of Nowhere

“I …”


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It was not like she did not know how kind Sean had been to her. However, it did not feel right to say

anything before he did. What if Sean ended up telling her she had been overthinking it? It would have

been so embarrassing.

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She took a deep breath to calm herself down before continuing, “Actually, I

However, before she could finish her sentence, a series of footsteps echoed from behind her. Claire

was about to turn around when she was suddenly hugged from behind by a tiny body as a child’s sweet

voice cried out, “Mommy! I caught you, Mommy!”

That voice …

A young boy standing nearby disdainfully looked away with a hand in his pocket. “I let you win!”

Claire turned in surprise and was pleasantly shocked to see two familiar faces. “Jon! Belle! Why are

you here?”

As she spoke, she knelt down. Belle happily snuggled into her arms as she rubbed her cheek against

Claire’s. “We’re here because I missed you, Mommy

Jon snorted. “If I had not located Mommy, do you think you could have found her?”

The trio happily chattered away, completely ignoring the tall, handsome man standing next to them.

Chapter 4) The Children Who Appeared Out of Nowher

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Sean felt a headache coming on as he looked at the two children who came out

of nowhere.

Claire had children?

There were even two of them!

Were they that scumbag’s children?

At that moment, a man walked over from around the corner, laughing as he said, “I had no choice. The

two kids constantly bother me about finding you every single day. I didn’t tell them where you were, but

they were smart enough to locate you. If I didn’t bring them over, they would have found a way to come

here sooner or later.”

When Sean heard the voice of another man, his eyes instantly turned cold as he sharply glared at the

man who appeared.

Was this the man?

Sean knew the man walking over to them.

This man was Joseph Harper, one of the men sitting at the top of the country’s pharmaceutical industry.

Joseph could sense the imminent danger, but he was someone who could not back. down or

embarrass his boss.

“Ahem.” After clearing his throat, he locked eyes with Sean. “You are?”

55 Wed,

Chapter 44 lee Her and Haha