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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 363
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Chapter 363: What Are You Sighing About?

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“Ship magnate, huh?” Julia’s excitement was palpable as she darted over to Frederick’s side, winking

repeatedly at Claire.

Claire chuckled softly, her touch on Sean’s arm turning even more tender, her voice dripping with

sweetness, “So, Sean, you would probably get a discount on the yacht, right?”

Sean slightly furrowed his brow, somewhat noncommittally nodding. “Possibly.”

Claire didn’t say anything more, just kept smiling at Sean, her laughter infectious.

Frederick chuckled and shook his head, amused by Claire’s barely hidden excitement and Sean’s



Seeing Claire’s radiant smile, Sean was silent for a moment, then his eyes widened in realization.

“You want a yacht?”

Her laughter continued, though now she coyly nestled her head against Sean’s shoulder, her gestures


Sean chuckled and pulled her closer, giving Frederick a knowing look, then caressed Claire’s hair

gently, “Alright, we’ll buy it. Even without a discount, I’ll get it for you.”

Julia, “……”

Though happy about the yacht, seeing Sean’s adoration for Claire soured her mood a bit. Why did a

lovely sea outing have to include dog food?

She pouted, turning her gaze towards Frederick, whose calm demeanor amidst this display of affection

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was impressive. Wasn’t he, a perennial bachelor, bothered by it?

Sighing heavily. Julia stood up, walking back to the bow of the yacht. Why did it feel like she and

Frederick were mere extras in Claire and Sean’s romantic outing?


rich, masculine voice behind her signaled Freds

ach Without turning around,

12:05 Mon, 4 Dec


Chapter 363: What Are You Sighing About ?

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She moved aside, allowing him to stand beside her at the bow, the sea breeze accompanying their


After a few minutes, Frederick spoke, a light laugh in his voice, “Actually. Sean mentioned before

that he noticed how much Claire loves the sea. He knew her biggest wish was to own an island to live

on with her loved one. He had already decided to buy her a yacht.”

“Ah?” Julia’s eyes sparkled with admiration, not for Sean’s wealth but for his attentiveness to

Claire’s preferences. That level of care and thoughtfulness was something to be envious of

Touching her nose, she gave an awkward smile. “Mr. Sean is really good to Claire.”

“Yes,” Frederick agreed, nodding. “I never imagined Sean would care so much for someone. He


every word Claire says, and without her asking, he tries to fulfill her every like. It is indeed


Hearing the mention of a ‘ship magnate‘, Julia’s excitement was evident as she hurried over and sat

next to Frederick, playfully winking at Claire.

Claire chuckled lightly, her fingers softly caressing Sean Vanderbilt’s arm, her voice as smooth as

silk. “Then, buying a yacht from him should come with a discount, right?”

Sean slightly furrowed his brows, nodding in a non–committal manner, “It should, I suppose.”

Claire didn’t speak further, merely gazing at Sean with a teasing smile.

Frederick couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head at Claire’s obvious excitement and Sean’s

earnest attitude.

Realizing Claire’s wish, Sean’s eyes widened in sudden understanding. “You want a yacht?”

Her laughter was soft and flirty, as she coyly rested her head on Sean’s shoulder.

Sean chuckled and drew her closer into his embrace, giving Frederick a knowing glance. He then


caressed Claire’s hair, saying tenderly, “Alright, we’ll buy it. Discount or not, it’s yours.”

Julia, “……

12:05 Mon, 4 Dec

Chapter 363; What Are You Sighing About?

gestures towards Claire.

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Sighing, she looked away, only to catch Frederick’s calm and composed demeanor. Did he not feel a

twinge of jealousy seeing them so affectionate?

Frederick noticed her sigh and asked softly. “What are you sighing about?”

“Me?” Julia quickly shook her head, laughing it off, “Oh, nothing. I’m just a bit envious of Claire. Don’t

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you ever feel a hint of jealousy seeing them so in love, Mr. Frederick?”

Frederick’s gaze lingered on Julia’s face, her forced smile tugging at his heart. Such a wonderful

girl at the prime of her life should be enjoying love, not feeling out of place.

Feeling a bit self–conscious under his gaze. Julia laughed nervously, pretending as if nothing had

happened, and returned to Claire’s side.

“Wow, the organizers have been so generous. This red wine is perfect with the sea breeze. Claire.

let’s make the most of this free vacation and have a drink!”

Claire looked surprised as Julia filled two wine glasses to the brim, the red liquid teetering on the


Claire, without saying anything, sipped the wine to prevent it from spilling, then raised her glass.

to clink with Julia’s, laughing heartily before taking a gulp.

Sean usually wouldn’t allow Claire to drink so freely, but seeing this as a vacation, he relaxed his

usual vigilance. At most, he thought, he’d just have to carry her to bed if she got drunk.

That evening, after Claire fell asleep, Sean stepped out of the cabin and found Frederick standing

there. Sean lit a cigarette, puffing out rings of smoke that quickly filled the space between them.

“Cough, cough…” Frederick coughed lightly, extending his hand towards Sean, “Mind if I have one?”

Sean gave him a sidelong glance, shaking his head, “Fred, I’ve noticed you’ve been easily affected by

things lately.”

Frederick retracted his hand, tucking it into his pockets, staring at the starry sky with self–mocking

smile, “Perhaps you’re right.”

Could it be just a possibility?

12:05 Mon, 4 Dec

Chapter 364: Stand Alone in the Cold Breeze!