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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 362
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Chapter 362: Where Have You Been?

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Julia Sanders giggled and approached Claire Donovan, whispering conspiratorially, “The organizers

said they can arrange a yacht just for us. We can sneak aboard without anyone knowing, enjoy the


and then return on our own.”


A yacht just for them! Claire’s excitement heightened it felt like a special treat from the

organizers. Despite Sean Vanderbilt’s wealth, they hadn’t considered sailing on a yacht during this

trip. It would have been a regret not to experience it while here.

“Absolutely, let’s do it,” Claire agreed without a second thought.

Julia, grinning, took her hand, and they sneakily made their way through the crowd towards the stern.

Frederick Vanderbilt, watching the girls‘ excitement, shook his head in amusement. “Had I known they

were so keen on sailing, we could have arranged it ourselves, avoiding all this fuss.”

Sean Vanderbilt hadn’t anticipated this either. He knew Claire loved the islands, but hadn’t thought

of chartering a yacht for her to enjoy. “No problem,” he said, following Claire and Julia, “We’ll buy

a yacht when we get back. Whenever we want to sail, we’ll sail.”

Frederick raised an eyebrow – his younger brother was indeed unparalleled in pampering his wife.

After a bit of maneuvering to avoid prying eyes, they reached the stern, where the manager of the

organizers was already waiting for them. His face lit up with a pleased smile upon seeing them.

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“I originally planned for you to board the yacht amidst everyone’s envy, but I didn’t expect such a

strong reaction. We had to settle for a discreet departure,” he explained.

Claire smiled appreciatively. “Thank you. We wouldn’t have minded without it, but since you’ve gone

to the trouble, we’re happy to accept your kind offer.”

The manager chuckled and gestured towards the yacht. “Everything’s prepared – drinks and all. You


enjoy it for a couple of days. Have a wonderful time at sea.”

The extra preparations only added to Claire’s satisfaction. After a few more words of thanks, she

Julia eagerly boarded the yacht.

12:05 Mon, 4 Dec

Chapter 362: Where Have You Been?

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The yacht was perfect for a serene sea adventure, just the four of them, away from the crowds and

formalities of the cruise.

Once aboard, they waited for the person to pilot the yacht, but after ten minutes, there was no sign of

them. Claire frowned, puzzled, and looked back at the manager standing on the cruise ship. The

manager, apologetic, smiled weakly and hurried away…

The person had been arranged in advance and should have been on the yacht already. The manager h

seen him just moments ago, but now he had disappeared, probably having grown impatient and gone


to the cruise ship.

The manager had only taken a few steps when the missing individual showed up. Seeing him, the


frowned, “Where have you been? The guests are already here.”

The man glanced back, looking somewhat guilty, “I went to the restroom.”

The restroom? The manager was puzzled the yacht had facilities, so why go back to the cruise ship?

The man, seemingly eager to avoid further questioning, hurried past the manager towards the yacht.

calling back. “Alright, I’m going now.”

The manager scratched his head as he watched the man’s retreating figure, not dwelling too much on

it. He watched the yacht sail away before leaving the scene.

Those on the cruise ship, noticing the yacht’s departure, began to express their discontent. “What’s

the meaning of this? Wasn’t the sailing canceled? Why is it leaving now?”

“Look, there’s Claire Donovan and her group on the yacht!” someone suddenly exclaimed Indeed.

Claire, Sean, and the others were visible on the yacht’s deck.

Outcries of indignation followed. “That’s unfair! They deceived us!”

“Exactly, it’s just because of the ‘Tears of the Rose, isn’t it? The organizers are showing too much

favoritism. We’ve never heard of such treatment for ‘Tears of the Rose‘ before!”

“Some people have all the luck! Probably the organizers are trying to curry favor with Sinclaire

Jewelry because of their collaboration with YJYO.”

“Some people have all the luck! Probably the organizers are trying to curry favor with Sinclaire

Jewelry because of their collaboration with YJYO”

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Envious and jealous glances followed these remarks Participating in a jewelry exhibition and ear

international market entry seemed too good to be true

However, amidst the envious crowd, a woman watched the departing yacht with a sinister gnile

Donovan, this time, you may leave, but you won’t return alive. Go to hell

The United States is dotted with many islands in its vast seas Larger ones have formed cities.

attracting tourists from around the world with their unique beauty. Smaller, undeveloped islands also


Claire and Julia stood on the deck, enjoying the brisk sea breeze and the warm sunlight. The

fluttered their clothes as they stretched out their arms, embracing the rare comfort

“Ah, this is so relaxing!” Julia twirled around joyfully, then suddenly hugged Claire her lips

pouting playfully “Claire, let’s buy a yacht! There’s a sea near Ascalon We could sail whenever we


Frederick’s eyebrows twitched The closest sea to Ascalon was in Rain City, a ten–hour dr

found Julia’s definition of “near” amusing

Sean simply smiled, patting Frederick’s shoulder “Indeed, it’s not too far

Claire, unaware of their conversation and not well–versed in the geography around Ascaton beneve

Julia’s assessment

Contemplating the cost of a yacht. Claire blinked and then turned to Sean hey eyes banking

mischievously She slid next to him, her soft hands snaking up his arm “Sean do you know someone

who sells yachts?

Sean appeared to take her playful tone seriously. After a moment’s thought he nodded. “Wel

have some connections with a ship magnate.”

Chapter 363: What Are You Sighing About?