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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 343
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Chapter 343: Why Haven’t They Appeared Yet?

Claire Donovan nodded, her silence indicating deep sorrow, which Sean Vanderbilt noticed. Raising an

eyebrow, Sean suddenly asked in a low chuckle, “But Claire, I really want to know, how do seeing other

women crazily infatuated with your biological father? You seemed rather entertained.”

you feel

Claire was taken aback, not expecting such a question from Sean. When realization dawned, she burs

out laughing, “Haha, it felt great, more thrilling than I expected!”

Sean Vanderbilt shook his head with a smile, relieved to see Claire finally laughing. Despite her claims

of indifference towards Joseph Felix, Sean knew she cared deep down. After her tumultuous

upbringing, Claire longed for familial affection more than anyone and envied those with fathers.

As they conversed, the host left the stage, and models began to grace the runway, adorned in dresses

and jewelry. Each one paused in the spotlight, striking seductive poses to highlight the necklaces

they wore. The host would then introduce the jewelry, naming the company and designer.

The audience, smiling, appreciated the models and listened to the introductions. The models were

organized by the nationality of the jewelry companies, with each country’s collection showcased

before moving on to the next.

Unexpectedly, Suzanne Jenkins and Luna Lyons hadn’t yet made an appearance. After a long wait.

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Claire, propping her chin with her finger, pouted, “Our country’s usually up front, why haven’t they

come out yet?”

Mia Ashworth, sitting next to her, noticed this too but remained silent.

“It seems we have to wait until the end this time,” Sean remarked lightly.

“Why? Sean, do you know?” Claire asked, turning to him, her interest in the runway show fading.

Sean tilted his head, smiling ambiguously, “I don’t know for sure, but when things deviate from the

norm, there’s usually a reason. Perhaps one of our country’s pieces is considered a showstopper,

saved for the grand finale.”

The grand finale? Claire was familiar with the concept – typically, the most valuable piece of jewelry, as

appraised by experts, was reserved for the finale, resulting in that country’s entire collection being

showcased last. This was rare, as most participants in jewelry exhibitions strove to acquire

130% of!

The grand finale? Claire was familiar with the concept – typically, the most valuable piece of jewelry, as

appraised by experts, was reserved for the finale, resulting in that country’s entire collection being

showcased last. This was rare, as most participants in jewelry exhibitions strove to acquire expensive

raw or semi–finished gems, leading to a uniform level of quality among the exhibited pieces. Therefore,

there usually wasn’t a significant disparity to warrant a grand finale, and the order of appearance was

determined by the alphabetical order of the countries.

Hearing Sean Vanderbilt’s explanation, Claire Donovan was surprised, “Really? The grand finale? How

expensive must a jewel be to overshadow all others?”

Mia Ashworth, overhearing their conversation, smiled smugly. Her family’s heirloom, ‘Tears of the Rose

‘was already famous in the jewelry world, surpassing any ordinary ruby, sapphire, or diamond. When

the organizers collected the jewelry, their astonished reactions to ‘Tears of the Rose‘ assured her

of its unmatched value.

Imagining the scene, Mia’s eyebrows rose in triumph, and she sneered at Claire Donovan, whispering,

“Heh, Luna, this time, I’ll not only surpass Claire Donovan, but I’ll also make your name renowned

across Southeast Asia.”

Though she spoke softly, Claire, with her keen hearing, caught something. She didn’t turn to look at

Mia but smirked slightly, watching the models on the runway, then turned to Sean, “If what you say is

true, this jewelry show is going to be quite exciting.”

Sasha Felix, sitting nearby, also sensed the unusual situation. She turned to her father, Joseph Felix,

trying to suppress her annoyance and asked admiringly, “Dad, it seems like our turn is being

skipped. We haven’t appeared yet.”

Joseph nodded, echoing Sean’s sentiment, “It seems one of our country’s pieces is reserved for the

grand finale.”

At the mention of the grand finale, Sasha’s heart raced with joy. “It seems our ‘Starlight Sapphire‘

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is quite significant! Dad, I went to the venue yesterday, and aside from The Ashworth’s ‘Tears of the

Rose,’ no other piece can match our ‘Starlight Sapphire.”

Tears of the Rose‘? Joseph hadn’t even glanced at Mia Ashworth when they arrived. Now, he looked


though Mia was blocked by four people from Sinclaire Jewelry. His lips curled slightly in a cold

sneer, “Hmm… The Ashworth are really splurging this time, even bringing out their family heirloom.


no other piece can match our ‘Starlight Sapphire.“”

Tears of the Rose? Joseph hadn’t even glanced at Mia Ashworth when they arrived. Now, he looked

ove though Mia was blocked by four people from Sinclaire Jewelry. His lips curled slightly in a cold

sneer, “Hmm… The Ashworth are really splurging this time, even bringing out their family heirloom.


Sasha misinterpreted his glance as looking at Claire Donovan and her face darkened with anger.

“Joseph Felix is such a pretender, acting sick at home but showing off his grandeur here, obviously for

Claire Donovan. What is this old man plotting?”

Fuming, she clenched her fist, her nails digging into her palm, her eyes turning venomous. She

resolved either to bring down Claire Donovan or find an opportunity to end Joseph Felix. She was

determined not to relinquish control of the Felix family.

Joseph, oblivious to her hatred, continued, “While ‘Starlight Sapphire‘ is precious, ‘Tears of the Rose‘ is

equally valuable. And I heard Claire Donovan brought her design from the Charm Designers‘

Competition. Any of these three could be the final showstopper.”

The Climax Arrives!