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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 342
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Chapter 342: Let’s Talk About It When She Becomes My Sister–in–Law!


Sean Vanderbilt’s face momentarily shifted through an array of expressions, a mix of astonishment an

a hint of defeat. After all, the possibility of Julia Sanders becoming his sister–in–law wasn’t


Sean cleared his throat and lifted his eyebrow confidently, “Let’s talk about it when she becomes my


Claire Donovan covered her mouth, chuckling. Was Sean imagining Julia’s transformation from her

current helpless demeanor to a formidable presence?

As they shared this light moment, two figures approached from the end of the corridor. With less thar

five minutes to the start of the runway show, their arrival caught everyone’s attention.

As the crowd looked on, they saw a man in his fifties, dressed in a sharp suit, exuding authority

that instinctively made the younger generation lower their heads. Accompanying him was a younger


with an air of defiance that marked him as no pushover.

Mia Ashworth’s sudden exclamation, “Joseph!” drew Claire’s attention from Joseph Felix and Feng

Lang Claire turned slightly, catching a glimpse of the tears glistening in Mia’s eyes.

A cold smile crept onto Claire’s lips. She had seen Paula Summers‘ infatuated look at Joseph Felix, but

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Mia’s reaction was on a whole different level. It was as if an old flame, long cherished, was finally

reignited. Such depth of emotion, still so intense after over two decades.

Mia’s gaze stayed fixed on Joseph Felix, oblivious to her surroundings. As he approached, she couldn’t

contain her excitement and abruptly stood up, ready to greet him.

Claire watched with interest, a smile playing on her lips. Sean Vanderbilt, sitting beside her, struggled

to contain his reaction.

However, as Mia stood up, filled with anticipation for a dramatic reunion, Joseph Felix passed by

without even a glance, his proximity not even allowing her to brush against his coat.

Claire heard the metaphorical shattering of a heart and couldn’t help but laugh gleefully, turning to

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342 Let’s Talk About It When She Becomes My Sister–in–Law!

struggled to contain his reaction.

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However, as Mia stood up, filled with anticipation for a dramatic reunion, Joseph Felix passed by

without even a glance, his proximity not even allowing her to brush against his coat.

Claire heard the metaphorical shattering of a heart and couldn’t help but laugh gleefully, turning to

share the amusement with Sean. But then, the man who had just walked past Mia stopped right befor


A gentle voice floated down from above, “Claire.”

Claire, who was turning, suddenly froze, lifting her head in mild surprise. Their last meeting hadn’t

been pleasant, so why this sudden, tender call?

As Claire looked up, Joseph Felix’s smile grew more tender, “After the jewelry exhibition ends, shall

we talk again?”

Talk again?

Claire’s elegant brows furrowed deeply. Was her rejection last time not clear enough, or was she not

firm enough in her stance?

Doesn’t Joseph Felix realize there’s nothing left to discuss between him and Claire Donovan?

Sasha Felix, seated nearby, was fuming with rage, her teeth nearly grinding together. She had no idea

Joseph was attending and wondered about the two empty seats beside her. Now, it was clear they we

reserved for Joseph. What she found most unbearable was Joseph’s disregard for her, addressing


Donovan first, completely sidelining his daughter, the head of the Felix family.

Sasha abruptly stood up and strode towards Joseph, her fury barely concealed. Approaching him, she

didn’t even glance at Claire but instead latched onto Joseph’s arm, pouting, “Dad, why are you so


Others might have thought she was playfully chiding her father for his tardiness, but Sean Vanderbilt

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saw through her act. It was a deliberate display for Claire – Sasha flaunting her affectionate

relationship with Joseph.

Sean’s eyes darkened, and he turned to Claire, who visibly recoiled at the sight of their intimacy.

Claire scoffed dismissively, her disdain evident as she looked away, “Sorry, but I don’t have time

for this. Miss Felix.”

Joseph frowned, sensing Claire’s aversion, his hand tightening subtly at his side.

Undeterred by Joseph’s apparent anger, Sasha cooed, “Dad, the show is about to start. Let’s take our

seats, shall we?”

Ignoring Sasha, Joseph kept his gaze fixed on Claire, who turned her head away, her expression

resolute. She had made her rejection clear.

Joseph sighed quietly and gently shrugged off Sasha’s arm, walking to his seat with an air of


Sasha’s eyes flashed with hatred, quickly masked as she turned to Claire with a sneering smile,

“Enjoy the show, Claire Donovan. With my dad here, you won’t get far.”

With that, she strutted off, feigning triumph, but only she knew the depth of her pain.

The whole episode, seemingly minor, deeply wounded Mia Ashworth. Even as Joseph took his seat, st

remained standing, her gaze filled with sorrow as she looked towards him. It wasn’t until the

audience’s view was obstructed and someone tapped her seat that she reluctantly sat down.

The host, full of energy, took the stage, but Claire sat silently, her mood affected despite having

mentally closed the door on Joseph.

Sean shook his head and leaned towards Claire, whispering, “Don’t let this spoil your mood. Claire.”