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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 336
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Chapter 336: Are Mr. Vanderbilt and Julia Together Now?

Their coordination was seamless, communicating through just a glance without uttering a word. Cassie

Palmer watched, dumbfounded, her mouth agape. Such synergy couldn’t be developed overnight.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she asked Claire, “Are you two so close that you can just hand over

your room key like that?”

Claire, slightly annoyed, rolled her eyes and pulled Cassie towards the elevator. “What’s the big deal?

Sean and I have been living together for a long time. Such trivialities don’t require


Cassie shook her head, muttering under her breath, clearly unhappy. She had already felt low at

Frederick’s, and now she was being fed a dose of PDA. Life was so unfair!

Once they reached the bustling shopping street, Cassie showed no interest in exploring. Claire noticed

and led her straight to a supermarket. Shopping for snacks always cheered up girls!

As they browsed the various treats, Claire filled their cart with snacks she hadn’t tried before. Soon, the

cart was overflowing, but Claire was still enthusiastic.

Suddenly, Cassie stopped and asked solemnly, “Claire, are Mr. Vanderbilt and Julia together now?”

Claire paused, turning to look at Cassie’s disappointed face. She felt sympathetic but didn’t want to hurt

either of her friends. She took Cassie’s hand and spoke gently, “Although they aren’t together yet, I can

see Frederick treats Julia differently.”

Cassie’s lips pouted as she tried to retort but remained silent under Claire’s sincere gaze. Finally, she

huffed, “I’ve noticed it too. Frederick smiles at me, but he’s especially gentle with Julia. And you know

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what? The last time we had drinks, he poured more for me than Julia.”

Claire blinked, not quite catching her point. Was Cassie suggesting Frederick had special feelings for


As Claire puzzled over this, Cassie laughed and elbowed her playfully, “Are you silly? He poured more

for me and less for Julia because he didn’t want Julia to get drunk. To me, he didn’t care as much.”

Claire’s face lit up with understanding, realizing Frederick’s subtle tactics. She elbowed Cassie

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Chapter 136: Are Mr. Vanderbilt and Julia Together Now?

Up to 30% off

As Claire puzzled over this, Cassie laughed and elbowed her playfully, “Are you silly? He poured more

for me and less for Julia because he didn’t want Julia to get drunk. To me, he didn’t care as much.”

Claire’s face lit up with understanding, realizing Frederick’s subtle tactics. She elbowed Cassie

back, laughing. “So you got drunk that night?”

“Exactly!” Cassie grumbled. “After I got drunk, I had no idea what they did. That’s when I realized,

maybe in Mr. Vanderbilt’s heart, Julia is different.”

Claire shook her head, handing the cart to Cassie, then linked arms with her, continuing their

shopping spree.

“They haven’t crossed that barrier yet. I think Frederick might be concerned about the age gap with

Julia. Let’s give them some time,” Claire Donovan said, not wanting Cassie to feel unnecessarily

hurt. “I don’t want you to be upset over nothing.”

“I know!” Cassie Palmer lifted her head proudly, her eyelids flicking up in defiance. “Anyway, my

main focus will be in Huaxia in the future. I won’t see Mr. Vanderbilt much, so let’s just say I

don’t fancy long–distance relationships. I’ll leave Mr. Vanderbilt to Julia.”

Claire admired Cassie’s broad–mindedness. Being able to say such words showed that Cassie


blame Julia Sanders, nor would there be any rift between them. This made things much easier to


After picking more snacks, they headed to the checkout. Cassie was reaching for her wallet when she

suddenly caught a glimpse of someone. Her bright face darkened, her tone turning cold. “Claire, it’s

Luna Lyons!”

“What?” Claire was taken aback and followed Cassie’s gaze. She saw Luna Lyons and Mia Ashworth

standing together. The sight of them instantly stirred a sense of rivalry in Claire. “Talk about

enemies on a narrow road!”

“It’s not just a coincidence. Luna went abroad after that incident. I never expected to run into her

here. The world really is small.”

“It’s not surprising. The Ashworths are also participating in this jewelry exhibition. Since she’s

Mia Ashworth’s daughter, it’s normal for her to be here.”

As they were talking, Mia Ashworth, with Luna in tow, approached Claire and Cassie. Luna’s gaze

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Chapter 337: Unmasked!