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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 330
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Chapter 330: I Almost Believed You!

The Jewelry Fair was held once every four years, which had accumulated lots of fame and popularity.

Therefore, the island not only embraced some participant companies from various countries, but also

attracted a lot of tourists, businessmen, and even big names of the stars from countries.

“Wow, we’re finally here.”

Arriving at the hotel arranged by the organizer, Claire comfortably inhaled a mouthful of fresh air. Unlike

the dryness of Ascalon, the air here was mixed with a light seawater flavor, which relaxed and

refreshed Claire’s whole body.

Julia also opened her arms and spun twice. She was fond of islands and had discussed with Claire that

she would buy an island after retirement when she earned enough money.

“Claire, the air here is so fresh and comfortable.”

“Haha, yeah, and we’ll stay in a sea–view house. Julia, we’ll go treading water in a while.”

“That’s good. I can’t wait anymore. Claire, let’s go back to our room and prepare for it first.”

Sean and Frederick watched the two little girls get excited like children, and smiles of pleasure

rose on both men’s faces.


Frederick let out a long sigh, “I’d better come out more often to see the local customs everywhere and

eat the delicious snacks from all over the world. This should be a perfect lifestyle.”

Sean glanced at him, his eyelids twitching helplessly. In the past, Mrs. Vanderbilt and Master Vanderbilt

had always persuaded Frederick to go out because Frederick secluded himself at home ever since

Winona’s incident. The two were afraid that he would get mentally ill.

They had suggested he go out countless times, but Frederick was at most around Ascalon, checking


his factory.

That explained why Claire was so surprised when she heard Frederick say he was coming along.

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‘Mr Frederick what made vou suddenly want to follow us here?”

11:35 Fri, 1 Dec Gu

Chapter 300h 1 Almost Belleved You!

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With one hand behind his back, Frederick glanced at Sean in a rather inscrutable manner, and laughed

softly. “I’ve long wanted to come out for a walk, but it’s no fun to be alone.”

Sean stared at him with confusion without saying anything. After a few minutes, Frederick was

embarrassed by his gaze before Sean let out a slow laugh and said, “I almost believed you!”

The two knew each other well, so even if Sean hadn’t finished his sentence, Frederick got his meaning.

He sighed heavily while Sean turned around with a smile and walked away. Then, Frederick hurriedly

pulled his suitcase and chased after him.

“Sean, don’t think too much.”

Sean let out a low laugh, one hand placed in his pants pocket, and the other pulling the suitcase.

Without even looking back at Mr. Frederick, he replied, “I’m not thinking about anything.”

But apparently, he had thought too much!

Helpless, Frederick explained, “It’s really not what you think.”

Sean suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked straight at Frederick, uttering, “What

am I thinking?”

Frederick was forced to stop and stood there awkwardly. Looking at Sean’s face which seemed to be

smiling, Frederick couldn’t let out a single word.

Sean didn’t say it explicitly. If he said it, wouldn’t that just prove that he thought so?

How scheming Sean was!

“Sir, Mr. Frederick, what are you doing? Come on, take the room cards. We’re going upstairs.”

Claire’s voice came over all of a sudden. Sean raised his eyebrows at Frederick in a kind of

provocative manner and took another glance at Frederick before turning around and pulling his

suitcase towards Claire and Julia.

Standing still there, Frederick was very depressed and frustrated. He truly didn’t think like that, but just

wanted to come out to have fun…

11:35 Fri, 1 Dec

Chapter 330: 1 Almost Believed You!

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The participants were so many that the organizer only arranged two rooms for them. The island was

crowded with people and the hotel had been full. Besides, all the hotels on the island had no vacant


So Claire had to share a room with Julia, and Sean with Frederick.

Claire was so excited to come to the island. After handing over the room cards to Sean, she went back

to her room with Julia, changed her clothes and shoes and ran towards the beach without even

informing them.

Ascalon was cold as hell, but the island was sunny. Fortunately, they had made full preparations.

Wearing long dresses and sandals, the two girls ran happily on the beach.

“Hahaha, the sun is so cozy here.”

Claire stretched her back and kicked at Julia, the sand brought up by her shoes splashing all over

Julia’s skirt, which made Julia pout.

“Good! You’re more naughty than me, aren’t you? Stay there. I’m gonna return it.”

Julia was not willing to show weakness and kicked Claire back with sand soaring up. Claire chuckled

as she took several steps backward.

“Come on!”

Claire bent down, took off her shoes, and then stepped on the beach with her bare feet. The close

contact with the beach amazed Claire so much that her toes were slightly opened as she said. “Wow,

Julia, take off your shoes and step on this sand. It’s so soft.”

Hearing that, Julia couldn’t wait to take off her shoes, surprised to find that the sand here was really

soft and warm under the sunlight.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Although the sunshine on this island was brilliant, the temperature was not too high, more than twenty

degrees, which couldn’t be compared with the summer. However, the warmth could reach thei hearts

from the soles of their feet. No wonder it was crowned as an internationally famous island.

“Hahaha, it’s true. It’s so comfortable!”

Julia jumped up excitedly, not noticing someone coming behind her. Suddenly, her back hit someone


11:35 Fri, 1 Dec G.

Chapter 330: 1 Almost Believed You!

Julia, take on your snoes and step on this sand. Its so sort.


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Hearing that. Julia couldn’t wait to take off her shoes, surprised to find that the sand here was

really soft and warm under the sunlight.

Although the sunshine on this island was brilliant, the temperature was not too high, more than

twenty degrees, which couldn’t be compared with the summer. However, the warmth could reach thei

hearts from the soles of their feet. No wonder it was crowned as an internationally famous island.

“Hahaha, it’s true. It’s so comfortable!”

Julia jumped up excitedly, not noticing someone coming behind her. Suddenly, her back hit someone


almost knocked her down. Stabilizing her body. Julia was about to turn around and apologize when

harsh words came into her ears.

“Damn, country bumpkin! Claire, Julia, you’re really disgracing our countrymen with your naive


Julia’s expression suddenly darkened. At the sight of Sasha who was staring at them with contempt or

her face and with her arms crossed, Julia clenched her hands into fists and sneered, “Sasha, do you

have a foul mouth? It’s so smelly!”

Claire walked over to Julia’s side, reached out to support her arm and looked down at her feet. Just

now when Julia jumped up and hit Sasha when she landed on the ground, she seemed to have

sprained her
