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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 302
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Chapter 302: Oh, Dear!

Claire, don’t let me down, Joseph thought.

Kelly was penniless after being kicked out of the Felix family. She didn’t even have money for food, let

alone a place to sleep.

Lying on a park bench, she couldn’t stop the tears from streaking as she thought about everything

Sasha had done.

Sasha only cared about her own interests and just stood by when Kelly was reduced to such a

condition. Kelly even wondered whether her effort at the beginning was worth it.

Her stomach growled several times. She was so starving that she had a blurry vision. Looking at the

night sky with stars, she cried out in despair.

Suddenly, a woman’s exquisite face appeared in front of her eyes. She blinked her eyes hard and

raised her hand to rub them before she made sure her sight served her right. She was so scared that

she rolled down from the bench.

“Missy! Help me, please.”

Claire suddenly sneezed out. Julia immediately pulled a tissue and handed it over, inquiring with

concern, “Claire, what’s wrong with you? Why are you always sneezing tonight? Did you catch a cold?”

It was late fall and was getting colder. But Claire had good physical fitness and didn’t catch a cold.

Chapter 302: Oh. Dear!

She took the tissue to blow her nose, crumpled it into a ball and threw it

into the garbage can, saying, “I guess God thinks I’ve been working hard for no payments and wants

me to take a break and rest.”


Julia twilled her fingers guiltily, her little mouth pouting in grievance.

After coming back from the Felix Glory Corp., Julia had been running to Claire‘ s place every day,

intending to have Claire hurry up to design and work out

the two sets of head ornaments.

Julia was not in a hurry to get married. After all, the person she wanted to marry hadn’t confessed to

her yet. She just couldn’t wait to put those two sets of head ornaments away in her safe.

Opening the safe to count the money and appreciate the jewelry in leisure time would be the most

pleasant thing in her life.

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Julia nudged the fruit plate towards Claire and said, “You’ve had a tiring day. Would you like some fruit

before you continue?”

Claire leaned back in her chair. She was indeed tired.

She hadn’t even worked out a single bracelet so far. It was a bit distressing to push herself hard since

she had no inspiration.

“I don’t want to move,” said Claire.

“It’s okay. I’ll feed you,” replied Julia.

Chapter 102.Oh, D

Julia forked a piece of dragon fruit and sent it to Claire’s mouth. Claire

gave her a sidelong glance and laughed softly as she opened her mouth and ate

1. it.


While chewing the fruit in her mouth, Claire complained. “Julia, I have too much work lately. I want to

rest for a period.”

It was necessary to have a day’s break, but a period wouldn’t be allowed.

So Julia changed the subject, “It’s been almost a week. Isn’t Mr. Sean back


Claire got a little angry at the mention of Sean.

“I don’t know! It’s been a week. No calls, no texts, not even a single WhatsApp message. I don’t know

what the hell he’s up to!” Claire snapped.

Julia suddenly lurched as she forked the fruits and raised her head up to look at Claire in horror,

uttering. “Oh, dear!”

“What?” Claire looked at her blankly, asking, “What’s wrong?”

Julia put the fork down and hesitated, stammering, “Will Mr. Sean…”

At that, she trailed off again.

Claire raised her hand and hit Julia on the arm, stating, “Will what? Get straight to the point!”


Julia licked her lips and was about to say it, but she couldn’t make it all of a sudden She raised her

hand to scratch her forehead feeling it

The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins

of a sudden. She raised her hand to scratch her forehead, feeling it

difficult to speak out.

However, Claire was even more anxious and she shouted, “Julia!”

“Take it easy! I’ll say it!”

Julia swallowed before she made up her mind and said, “Claire, normally, if a

man suddenly disappears for a week or so, it means that he has another woman



Claire’s amber eyes widened in surprise and she said in disbelief, “Julia, what are you talking about?”

“It’s true!” Julia continued earnestly, “Claire, think about it, if he was just on a business trip, he should

have given you a call or sent you a message, but he hadn’t done any of it in a whole week, which

proved that it was not convenient for him to chat or talk to you. So, here’s the problem. How could it be

not convenient for him?”

Claire wrinkled her eyebrows and thought about it carefully. If Sean was busy with the business, it

should be no problem to send her a message after work. And if he was dealing with private things, it

would be even less of a problem.

Since Claire had been with Sean for so long, she basically knew Sean’s interpersonal relations. And

there should be no one who could make Sean deliberately avoid her.

So… there was only one answer!

Chapter 302: Oh Dear!

“He’s out there making love to another woman and can’t let me know, so…”

Julia raised her hand and snapped her fingers, saying, “Absolutely! That’s

what I mean!”

Seeing Claire’s expression darken instantly, Julia felt a little weak again and said, “But, Claire, now the

whole Vanderbilt family knows that you and Mr. Sean are getting engaged. You’re surely married in an

open, correct manne Mr. Sean… wouldn’t dare to do anything recklessly outside, would he? After all,

the Vanderbilt family is so strict.”

Claire rolled her eyes at her and said, “What do you want to say? Does he have a woman outside or


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Julia smiled awkwardly and responded, “I guess not.”

Claire’s eyes abruptly narrowed, which unsettled Julia. She hurriedly stood up and said, “Claire, don’t

think too much now. I’ll go and ask Mr. Frederick to come. He should know this!”

After saying that, Julia ran away swiftly.

Claire looked at the retreating figure of Julia, feeling helpless.

She scolded fiercely, “You said it yourself, and now you’re telling me not to

11:26 Mon, Nov 13

Chapter 302: Oh. Dear!

After saying that, Julia ran away swiftly.

Claire looked at the retreating figure of Julia, feeling helpless.

She scolded fiercely, “You said it yourself, and now you’re telling me not to think about it. Julia, what’s

wrong with you?”

Indeed! Even Julia herself felt that there was something wrong with her!

She pulled open the door and was about to rush out when she suddenly hit a person: She instantly lost

her balance and fell towards the back.

All of a sudden, a pair of strong arms easily scooped her back up. “Julia, what’s wrong? Why are you in

such a hurry?”

Julia stood still and looked up to see it was Frederick. She hurriedly backed away from his arms.

Although Frederick held her in his arms, he was very gentlemanly. He just tugged on her shirt without

even touching her skin, which made Julia a little embarrassed.

“Mr. Frederick, I just got out of Claire’s studio and she… she…”

After a pause, Julia summoned her courage to speak, “Claire said that Mr. Sean has been out for a

week, but he hasn’t even called her or texted her, so.. . I wanted to come to you to ask if you know

what Mr. Sean is actually


“Well, that’s it?”

Frederick walked in as he continued, “It just so happens that I’m looking for Claire, so let’s talk about it

together by the way.”

Chapter 303: Fredenck Really Had an Incredible Eye!