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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 204
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Chapter 204: Who Does She Think She

May shouted savagely, “His hand was clearly right next to Aron’s hand, if he hadn’t pushed Aron, how

could Aron fall?”

“He was trying to save Aron, and only one of his fingers touched Aron, don’t be so unreasonable!”

“Unreasonable?” May’s face with delicate makeup had twisted, “It’s clearly you who is a wimp, you’re

incapable, you don’t deserve to be a father!”

Reasoning with someone like May was useless, and Frey really didn’t bother to say anything more,

fastened his seat belt and started the engine.

Seeing his indifferent attitude, May angrily slapped him in the face, “If you won’t avenge our son, I’ll do

it myself!”

After saying that, she turned around, pushed open the car door, and jumped out not caring how Frey

shouted at her as she walked away with red eyes and


She would avenge her son on her own!

Frey was just a useless father and husband!

Frey looked at her back and shook his head helplessly, May was like that. She was usually fine, but

when it came to something about her son, she would become the most unreasonable woman in the


In the Vanderbilt family.

Seeing them home, Master Vanderbilt cheerfully waved at Jon, “Here, Jon, com to Grandpa.”

Chapter 204: Who Does She Think She Is

In the vanderbilt Tamily.

Seeing them home, Master Vanderbilt cheerfully waved at Jon, “Here, Jon, come to Grandpa.”

Jon obediently walked over and politely called, “Grandpa, Grandma.“‘

Master Vanderbilt was overjoyed, grabbed his hand and stroked it lovingly, “Jon, did someone wrong

you at school?”

“No.” Jon replied, “I was being good, I didn’t fight with anyone, it was just self–defense.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Belle nodded as she was held by Sean, “Yes, Grandpa, Jon has always been a

good boy and never bullies anyone.”

Their words amused Master Vanderbilt and Mrs. Vanderbilt.

After asking Jon, Master Vanderbilt looked up at Sean, “How are things going?”

“It’s the school’s responsibility.”

Sean thought about it and decided to tell him about May, “Frey is quite reasonable as the future head of

the Klaus family, but his wife May… She’s not a good person. When I left, I saw her angry expression

and… I think she won’t let go.”

Hearing this, Master Vanderbilt raised his hand and slapped it hard on the table next to him, “Who does

she think she is?”

Mrs. Vanderbilt frowned, in this world, only women know women the most. Sh shook her head, “It’s not

the point here, I have heard that May is very protective of her son, she’s very petty and vengeful when

it comes to anyone

10:58 Wed, Nov

Chapter 204: Who Does She Think She Is.

who hurts her son. I think Sean’s right, she won’t let this go so easily.”

Sean nodded, “That’s what I thought.”

Master Vanderbilt looked at his grandson, who was the apple of his was not going to let anything

happen to him.



When it came to being protective, no one was better than the Vanderbilt


“I’ll tell you what, I’ll take it up with the Klaus family, if they can watch May, I will let this go. If they


He snorted, “I will have to take some measures.”

Mrs. Vanderbilt thought it was the best idea, and Sean agreed.

Master Vanderbilt knew Master Klaus, although he didn’t know much about Frey

he could have his father talk to him!

No one could hurt Jon.

That night, Master Vanderbilt personally called Master Klaus. After Frey went home, he told his father

all about what happened at school. Although Master Klaus had known everything, he felt Jon was quite

smart that as a child less. than four years old, he knew to carry a miniature camera with him.

“I can’t keep her under control. My son came back and told me that May didn’t come home after they

had that quarrel. I am guessing that…”

He paused for a moment with some worries, “I reckon she might have gone back to her parents‘ house,

I can’t be sure what she’s going to do.”

10:58 Wed, Nov 8 O

Chapter 204: Who Does She Think She Is

It was a matter of life and death for the entire Klaus family, and although he was quite confident that the

Klaus family could fight with the Vanderbilt family, he really didn’t think it was worth it to put the entire

Klaus family on the line just for the sake of a trifle between two kids.

Besides, the Klaus family wasn’t in the right of this matter, how could they just go against the


“Good.” Master Vanderbilt’s eyes deepened, “If I am going to attack the Cole family, will you…”

“Don’t worry!” Master Klaus hurriedly said, “The Klaus family will definitely

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not help the Cole family, we have nothing to do with them.”

Master Vanderbilt then hung up the phone and let Gerald go inform Sean, who, upon learning of the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Klaus family’s stand, simply smiled indifferently.

Early the next morning, Principal David called, saying the slippage was caused by George, who

deliberately spilled water with laundry detergent on the staircases when he was cleaning it.

It was recess time and there were a lot of kids coming and going, but most of

them saw that it was slippery and didn’t go from there.

Aron, on the other hand, had always been a careless child, and Jon was chasing after him, which led to

everything that had happened.



Chapter 204. Who Does She Think She Is

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Principal Davis repeatedly guaranteed that George would be kicked out of school and never be hired

again, and made all sorts of amends, which narrowly got him past the Vanderbilt family and the Klaus

family’s blame.

When Frey got this news, he called May, who didn’t answer at all, so Frey had to text her and tell her

the explanation given by Principal Davis.

However, May was even angrier after reading his text. She grabbed her father’s arm and cried, “Dad,

you have to seek justice for your grandson! Frey. that son of a bitch, didn’t dare to offend the Vanderbilt

family and even fawned on Sean Vanderbilt. My poor Aron is now still lying in the hospital. He had a

concussion and we can’t be sure if there will be a sequela!”

The Klaus family was a noble family in Ascalon, May and Frey married because they were both from

noble families. May was the Cole family’s only daughter. Vincent had thought that he would hand over

the family business to May after he got old. As long as Frey and May were on good terms, the Cole

family would be more and more prosperous And now it seemed that Frey was just a coward

This really pissed Vincent off.

“May, don’t cry.”

May not only didn’t stop crying but also cried even sadder, “Dad, I only have one son. If anything

happens to him, I wouldn’t want to live anymore…”

10:58 Wed, Nov

Chapter 205: As You Wish