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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 167
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Chapter 167: Acquiescence

Zayn was instantly dumbfounded, Julia was always on Claire’s side and wouldn’t allow anyone to make

her unhappy, so why did she…

Julia raised her hands and patted them on their shoulders, “They are a couple and couples fight and

make up. Don’t get involved, just go do your jobs.”

Zayn and Owen were baffled, but since Julia was Claire’s assistant, she

should know Claire the best.


Zayn and Owen had no choice but to continue to observe the jewelry for sale


Julia took Belle from Sean’s arms, “Mr. Sean, I’ll take care of Belle and


“Uh–huh.” Sean stroked Belle’s head and left Jon to Victor.

“Victor, take care of the kids with Julia.”

Belle opened her eyes wide and blinked in bewilderment, she had never seen Claire and Sean fight like

that before.

Jon, who had always been skeptical of Sean, gave Victor his hand.

Victor didn’t see what was happening either, but since Sean had given the order, all he could do was

lead Jon away with everyone.

Claire was still angry as she made her way to the lounge at the end. She pushed the door open, but

there was no one in there, she walked right in and

Chapter 167: Acquiescence

Sat CWIT One single couch.

Thinking of the way Sean argued with her so seriously just now, she smiled uncontrollably…

Sean was kind of cute when he got jealous.

She had just thought of that when the door to the lounge was suddenly pushed open and Joseph stood

at the door. Seeing Claire sitting inside, he inclined his head to Issac and said, “Don’t let anyone in.”

Issac nodded respectfully, “Yes, sir.”

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Joseph turned his eyes to Claire again, he had thought Claire looked like Winona earlier, and now that

he was up close to her, he found that she looked even more like Winona.

Even the way she sat there, with her spine straight and her hands gracefully in her lap, was exactly like


He walked in and the door closed behind him with a thud, leaving Claire a weak lamb in his eyes.

“Claire Donovan.”

He pronounced Claire’s name mockingly, then walked over and sat down on th couch next to Claire.

Claire turned her head to look at him, giving a smile, “Mr. Felix.”

Joseph raised an eyebrow and folded his legs gracefully, once again taking a look at Claire’s features

before he smiled and asked, “Tell me, were you sent by Master Summers or Paula?”


Chapter 167: Acquiescen

Claire was slightly stunned, a little confused as to why he would ask that.

After thinking for a while, she thought of the information she had found out that Joseph was suspicious

and had fought with the Summers family for more than twenty years. It made sense now.

Claire chuckled indifferently, “Mr. Felix, I really don’t know how to answer your question now. If I was

sent by the Summers family, I would have given the pink crystal to them already, right?”

At the mention of this, a flash of hostility appeared on Joseph’s face, “You think I wouldn’t know that it

was a trick? You just wanted to use it to go against me and Sasha, did you really expect me to believe


Claire frowned. How many tricks had the Summers family used on Joseph? He was so sensitive and so


Seeing that she didn’t say anything, Joseph sneered, “What? You acquiesced?”

Claire looked up at him with those dark brown eyes and said, word for word, “I’m Winona’s daughter.”

Winona’s daughter?

Joseph’s heart skipped a beat, the most painful, softest spot of his memories was touched!

He looked at Claire’s eyes, Claire’s face and his hands balled into fists on his lap.

No way!

That was not possible!


Chapter 167: Acquiescence

When he left Ascalon, Winona didn’t tell him that she was pregnant!

Could it be that Claire was Winona’s child with another man?

Or was this another trick of Master Summers or Paula?

Claire laughed and shook her head, “I told you what you wanted to know and you didn’t believe me, Mr.

Felix, you are pathetic.”

The Summers family begged for her to go back and she wouldn’t admit that her mother was Winona.

She told the truth to Joseph but she didn’t even believe

her. How ridiculous was all this?

Joseph closed his eyes. He was pathetic enough to miss Winona.


His eyes suddenly opened with anger in them, “Claire, you don’t have to lie, this trick has long been

useless to me. Master Summers is really old and cunning, he must have been planning this for more

than twenty years and you

are just his pawn!”


Claire sneered and looked at him firmly, “I’m Winona’s daughter!”

“You’re not!”

Joseph lifted his foot and kicked the coffee table in front of him hard, suddenly leaning over towards


He had to admit that Claire looked like Winona the most and her age also fit the description, but…

Chapter 167: Acquiescence

The more she looked like Winona, the less he believed it!

“Tell me, what is Master Summers trying to do this time? Tell me honestly or I will…”

“Kill me?”

Claire met his gaze undaunted, “I know with your intelligence, it is easy to kill someone, make it look

like an accident and escape justice.”

An accident?

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Joseph frowned, “What do you mean?”

Claire guffawed, “Winona died in an accident back then, don’t you know, Mr. Felix? Winona managed

to escape Ascalon but had a tough life ever since. For

some reason, all kinds of accidents always appeared around her, she had dodged countless times, but

she didn’t escape the last one. It’s all your doing, isn’t it?”

“Winona died in an accident?”

Joseph rose to his feet and his hands gripped Claire’s shoulders.

He lowered his head, his eyes turning red and he looked at Claire as he roared hysterically.

“What do you know? Tell me! Now!”

Claire hissed in pain, but she only frowned before lifting her head to look at Joseph.

“Winona died in an accident, but that accident wasn’t really an accident, it was a plot!”


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Chapter 167 Acquiescence



Felix? Winona managed to escape Ascalon but had a tough life ever since. For some reason, all kinds

of accidents always appeared around her, she had dodged countless times, but she didn’t escape the

last one. It’s all your doing, isn’t it?”

“Winona died in an accident?”

Joseph rose to his feet and his hands gripped Claire’s shoulders.

He lowered his head, his eyes turning red and he looked at Claire as he roared hysterically.

“What do you know? Tell me! Now!”

Claire hissed in pain, but she only frowned before lifting her head to look at Joseph.

“Winona died in an accident, but that accident wasn’t really an accident, it

was a plot!”

“Joseph, Winona loved you so much that she ran away from her marriage for you, and what did you

do? Why didn’t you go to her? Maybe you approached her and made her fall in love with you before

you escaped to another country and left her alone facing the Summers family. After she escaped

Ascalon, you

killed her!”