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The Billionaire’s Kick Ass Wife

Chapter 664
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Chapter 664 Obviously, Rayshaw did not understand what Isabella meant.

Isabella ignored him and left the room.

"Elsa, can you find out where the original weapon is?" Draxton asked as they returned to their rooms.

"Yes, | can. The weapon was hanging around Franky's neck. It was a silver round button.” Elsa said.

Isabella and Draxton looked at each other. Their eyes flashed with sharpness at the stime.

"Let the kids go get it," Isabella said immediately.

Draxton shook his head. "No, it's too dangerous." Isabella said, "Draxton, you are underestimating them too much." Draxton looked at her quietly.

Isabella said, "We have to trust them." "But they're still kids, after all." It was rare that they disagree with each other.

Isabella smiled. "We're just taking the thing off of Franky's neck. It's not like we're asking them to start the weapon attack." Draxton pursed his lips and said, "I know it logically, but I'm still nervous." This formerly cold man actually bectimid and anxious when it cto the kids.

Isabella smiled. She leaned over and lightly kissed the corner of his lips. She comforted him. "Not to mention that they're now almost seven years old; there wouldn't be a problem for them to do that even if they were three. Trust me, okay?" The last word 'okay' was slightly raised, as if there's a small hook.

Draxton's ink-blue eyes stared at her quietly. He was as lovely as a big dog and nodded obediently.

On the aircraft, Ricky and Betty took out biscuits, fruits, and snacks from the small refrigerator. In addition, there was hot water in their thermos flasks. The two little guys surrounded the food because they were hungry.

Franky's eyes suddenly turned green after going more than a day without eating or drinking anything.

He swallowed and looked at the food in the kid's hands. "Kids, can you give Uncle Franky a bite? Uncle Franky is hungry too! Betty ran up to him with a small biscuit. Just as Franky thought that Betty would feed him the biscuit, Betty put it in her own mouth.

Not only that, she even patted his head and said, "Be good. You're now an experimental object. An experimental object can't eat!" After saying that, Betty ran back and sat down to continue eating, ignoring how frustrated Franky was.

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Isabella could not help but smile when she saw this scene through Elsa's live broadcast.

Her eyes were full of cunning, and she got Elsa connected to the aircraft's console.

The next moment, a beeping sound cfrom the direction of the console.

Ricky and Betty, who were happily eating, were instantly dumbfounded.

The two little guys stayed still at the stime.

"Hahaha..." Isabella could not help but laugh when she saw this scene.

Draxton looked at her and was speechless. Bella was getting more and more naughty and even teasing the kids.

A moment later, the two little guys blinked slowly at the stime. Their movements were surprisingly unanimous.

Betty said, "Ricky, go and pick it up." Ricky was speechless.

Could he compete with his sister as a little young man? He couldn't.

The dignity of being a little young man prevented Ricky from competing with his sister. He could not back down, so he walked to the console with a grave expression.

...And to pick up his mother's call! Isabella, who was watching everything, said, "Hahahaha... so cute, hahaha!" Draxton was speechless.

Both sides quickly connected, and images of them appeared on the screen of the console.

"Ricky baby, how are you and your sister? Mommy was so worried about you!" Isabella's eyelashes were still wet from laughing too hard just now.

That really made her looked a little pitiful.

However, Ricky was silent for a while. He sized up his mother with a serious expression on his young face, and there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Draxton watched speechlessly as Isabella put on the show.

"Mommy," Ricky said seriously. His tone was serious but sounded childish. That made him exceptionally cute.

"Yes, baby. What's the matter?" Isabella blinked and asked.

Ricky looked at his mother speechlessly. He was now sure that his mother was not worried about them at all! "I'm going to ask Mommy what's the matter." Ricky still asked seriously and looked as lovely as a puppy.

Isabella got hit by Ricky's cuteness. She put her hands on her chest and said, "Baby, Mommy wants to ask you and Betty to do something..." Upon hearing that his mother had something to ask of them, Ricky immediately straightened up his back. That made him look confident and calm.

Isabella smiled in an indulgent way.

They hung up after getting down to business with Ricky.

Draxton could not help but ponder. He looked at Isabella and said, "The kids enjoy the feeling that they could help us.” The light in Ricky's eyes just now made Draxton touch "They're young, and being able to be asked to help parents makes them feel very accomplished." Isabella said it with a smile.

Then, they again observed the situation on the aircraft through Elsa's live broadcast.

When Ricky walked out of the console room, he saw Betty sneaking around and eavesdropping.

"Ricky, what did Mommy say to you?" she asked softly.

Ricky did not hide anything and whispered to Betty.

"Then we won't be punished when we go back if we helped Mommy, right?" Betty's eyes lit up.

Ricky thought for a moment and said, Probably... These are two different things." Betty was speechless.

Then, the two little guys looked at each other and walked towards Franky in tacit understanding.

Franky saw the two little guys who cand looked unusual. That sent shivers down his spine.

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The next moment, Ricky raised Franky's head, and Betty reached out to take the pendant off of his neck.

Franky's eyes widened, and there was panic in there.

"No, don't touch it. Good kids, don't take away my things!" Franky felt heartbroken and frightened.

On one hand, he felt heartbroken that this precious weapon had been taken away. On the other hand, he was afraid that these two kids would accidentally activate this weapon, and that would be the end for everyone.

However, Franky could not move now. He could only watch the whole thing happen helplessly as the weapon was taken away by the two kids.

Betty took the button and flipped it back and forth in her palm.

Ricky also leaned over and watched curiously.

Both kids surrounded the button and studied it seriously.

Franky, on the other hand, was terrified. He said weakly and mournfully, Don't touch it. Something will happen.

Something really will happen!" Betty looked at him and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen." Then they continued to study the buttons.

About two to three seconds later, the button enlarged after a ping" sound.

It was a silver weapon that looked like a spear. It was very exquisite and small.

However, a city can be instantly destroyed by such a thing.

Betty picked up that delicate weapon. It felt light in her hand, as if it weighed nothing. She aimed it in Franky’s direction.

Franky was frightened to death. "No, no..." But Betty said seriously, "Biu,biu,biu." Ricky also took it and said to Franky, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" The two little guys played back and forth with the buttons just like that.

Franky was speechless.

He was almost scared to death.

Just as he thought he was about to pass out from fear, the two little guys skillfully and seriously transformed the weapon back into a button and put it in the fridge.

The two little guys then continued to sit down and eat as if nothing had happened.

Franky, who had been frightened from beginning to end, felt himself like a fool mmMwWLIII0fiflo&1 mmMwWLIII0fiflo&1 mmMwWLHI0RAO&1 mmMwWLIII0fiflo&1 mmMwWL1i10f1ifl0&1 mmMwWLIII0fiflo&1 mmMwWLIII0fiflo&1 mmMwWLIII0fiflo&1 mmMwWLHI0RAO&1 mmMwWLIII0fiflo&1 mmMwWL1i10f1ifl0&1 mmMwWLIiI0fiflO&1