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The Billionaire’s Kick Ass Wife

Chapter 64
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Sự thật về bí mật tâm linh giúp cô gái trẻ hoá tỉ phú ở tuổi 24!

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Chapter 64 The Thompson Family Is Over

Olivia was shocked when seeing this. The middle-aged man beside Olivia was also shocked and rubbed

his eyes in disbelief, thinking. “Is this pretentious man in front of us Mr. Lockwood?

“People say that Mr. Lockwood always takes unexpected moves. Is this what they mean?”

The middle-aged man was unbelievably watching what happened.

Philip Lockwood continued to surprise everyone with his acting. He mournfully sighed, and the

expression on his face was even sadder and more touching than the expression on the faces of the

Thompson couple.

Philip said in lamentation, “To some extent, I am also that kid’s father, so now I solemnly beseech you to

let her go. What a pitiful and timid kid. You abused her when she was a child, and you set her up when

she grew up. How can you do all these?


“She is innocent even if she is not your biological daughter and even if she was swapped!”

Hearing these words, the reporters were furious and also extremely excited.

Someone shouted in the crowd, “The Thompson family is way out of line!”

Philip sighed heavily. Then he inadvertently looked up and discovered two familiar cars. Philipe was

instantly happy, thinking, “Oh, my outstanding performance must have been seen by my wife and others.

“They are probably giving me compliments right now?”

The Thompson couple was completely shocked, shouting inside, “What kind of big figure is Philip

Lockwood? He is a better liar than us!

“Philip Lockwood has led the public’s emotions. What can we do later?”

In the car, Olivia Lockwood, Jeanne Lockwood, and Isabella Thompson were all shocked when seeing

what Philip did.

Olivia, Jeanne, and Isabella planned to have lunch with the Sanders family, but they rushed back when

they received a from the servants at home and knew that the Thompson couple came here to cause


In the car, the timid Isabella Thompson touched her chin and said, “I didn’t expect this side of Mr.

Lockwood.” Olivia agreed, “Me either. This is also my first time to discover my dad’s dark side.”

Jeanne was speechless.

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She said inside, Philip has always been this dark, okay?

“You just don’t know it!”

The Thompson couple panicked. They thought rich people were arrogant and did not expect Philip

Lockwood to take an unexpected move!

Mrs. Thompson was afraid that they would not get what they wanted if Philip continued his speech. Thus,

Mrs. Thompson interrupted, “Mr. Lockwood, you are an important person. I don’t think you understand

the hardships that ordinary people like us suffer.

“Isabella Thompson is adopted, but we treat her as our biological daughter. Our family finance is not so

decent, but we gave her everything we could offer.

“Everyone here, please believe us, and please take pity on us. My husband is seriously injured, and I

don’t know what should we do in the future.

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“Isabella Thompson drove her car toward my husband, and now he ends up like this. Isabella married a

rich man, becoming a member of a noble family, and now she wants to disown us. Please report the truth

to the public!”

Philip did not want to waste his patience arguing with the Thompson couple. He took out his phone and

made a call. Soon, a man in a black suit rushed over.

The man in black was holding a stack of documents in his hand.

Philip changed his strategy so quickly that the Thompson couple could not make a prompt reaction.

Philip took the documents with a deadpan exterior, and showed the information on the camera, saying,

“This is the evidence that my daughter-in-law, Isabella Thompson, has suffered from abuse and cold

violence since she was young.

“When Isabella was five years old, she got a little red flower from kindergarten because of her

outstanding performance. She happily brought it home and showed it to her parents. However, the

Thompson couple slapped Isabella for it, and Mr. Thompson reprimanded Isabella for not knowing proper

behavior. “When Isabella was in elementary school, she was good at her studies and got first place.

Isabella excitedly took the paper home. However, Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Thompson scolded Isabella

for being too arrogant. “When Isabella graduated from elementary school, she could have gone to a

better junior high school. However, the Thompson couple sent her to the worst junior high school in the

area, using the excuse that the tuition fees of the school that Isabella wanted to get into were too


“I also want to add that Isabella Thompson needed not to pay her tuition fees for junior high school

because of her excellent academic performance. Isabella begged her adoptive parents to send her to a

better junior high school, but the Thompson couple ignored her and even beat her up.

“When Isabella was in junior high school, she learned that she would be beaten up by her parents if she

performed well. Thus, she gave up earning excellent academic performance.

“When Isabella was in high school, she was fighting with…”

All evidence was clear and conclusive.

Everyone was in an uproar.

Jeanne and Olivia looked at Isabella and felt sorry for Isabella.

Jeanne and Olivia used to only know that Isabella did not have a normal childhood, and they did not

expect that the truth would so cruel.

Usually, parents would praise their children if they had outstanding performances. However, things that

happened to Isabella were completely different.

Olivia said with her red eyes, “When did Dad investigate this? I didn’t expect him to be so helpful when

things. are difficult.”

Isabella Thompson was shocked by what Philip did.

Isabella comforted Jeanne and Olivia, “It’s okay. It’s all passed.”

Philip continued, “This is a video that reveals what happened in a hotel five years ago.

Philip opened this video with his phone. It was a night five years ago. The Thompson family and the

Lang. family met for the first time in this hotel. In the video, Isabella stumbled along as if she was

drugged. Not far away from Isabella, Mrs. Thompson and Samantha Lang grinned at each other. People

of the Lang family walked over from another direction. Then Mrs. Thompson and Samantha Lang quickly

changed their expressions and quietly walked away.

The Thompson couple could argue with Philip about those documents about Isabella’s childhood.

However, when Philip played this video, the Thompson couple’s faces turned pale.

Mr. Thompson rolled his eyes and fainted.

Mrs. Thompson was flustered, shouting, “This is fake! This is fake!”

A cold expression appeared on Philip’s face, but Philip was in no hurry to explain. Instead, he quickly


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another video.

The video showed that Mr. Thompson was ferocious, driving his car toward Isabella’s car. People could

tell Mr. Thompson’s murderous intent from his eyes.

Isabella controlled her car so well that she dodged the attack, while Mr. Thompson crashed his car


the wall.

When seeing the second video, Isabella silently touched her chin, thinking, “Mr. Thompson did hit me,

but I didn’t dodge him. Obviously, this video has been modified.”

Jeanne and Olivia were so angry when watching the video.

Olivia said in relief, “Luckily, Isabella dodged him!”

Isabella felt guilty. She said inside, “Actually, I bumped back even more fiercely than Mr. Thompson.” The

reporters were hired by the Thompson couple and they should have written some negative news about

Isabella. After seeing the solid evidence that Philip demonstrated, the reporters felt difficult to forge


Instead, the reporters excitedly looked at the Thompson couple, trying to dig out more dark facts. Now


the reporters desired was breaking news.

The Thompson couple stared at Philip with scared-looking faces, watching Philip take out the last piece



It was a video of Samantha Lang calling.

That video revealed that Samantha Lang and Mr. Thompson talked about how to kill Isabella Thompson.

After the video was played, the place became so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

The reporters went crazy.

Someone said, “Oh my, I didn’t expect Samantha Lang to be such a person.”

Mrs. Thompson’s eyes turn red. She screamed out loud and crazily pounced on Philip, trying to take the


The man in the black immediately moved and block Mrs. Thompson’s way, staring coldly at Mrs.

Thompson. Mrs. Thompson thought to herself, “The reporters are hired by us. Everything will be fine as

long as I do not allow them to release the evidence.

“Everything will not be known by the public once the evidence is destroyed.”

However, Mrs. Thompson did not know that a security guard started a live. Everything that happened

here had gone online.

Chapter 6