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The Billionaire’s Babysitter by Essie

Chapter 23
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Lizzie was starting to get worried; Gisele had been gone for over three hours. It didn’t take that long to

find a birthday gift.

She started pacing and that’s how Slate found her thirty minutes later.

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“Slate, thank goodness you’re here”, she said and ran towards him with relief in her eyes.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”, Slate asked as a reply looking at her panicked face.


“It’s Gisele, she went hours ago to find a birthday gift but she’s not back yet”, she replied, her voice as

panicked as her expression.

Slate frowned, that was definitely odd and he repeated so to Lizzie.

“Yes, Gisele is always careful about this sorts of things and if she has to be late, she calls. But she’s not

even picking her phone”, Lizzie answered, looking even more worried.


Slate took out his phone and tried calling Gisele; it rang but there was

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no answer as Lizzie had said.

Slate was very scared something terrible had happened to Gisele, the love of his life.



Edith (remember her? That really nasty maid →