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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 523
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Olivia continued squatting as Tyler comforted her. In a gentle voice, he suggested, "Let's go to the room, shall we?" Olivia looked up at him, puzzled. Tyler took her hands gently in his, helping her to stand.

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They walked together to the room, with the maids watching closely.

Tyler paused and firmly told the maids, "Please leave if you're going to spread rumors about her." With that, he quickly led Olivia away.

The maids shuddered and quickly looked down. Search The Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Olivia, feeling small and scared, did the same. She knew what they were whispering about-calling her crazy, a lunatic. These hurtful words had haunted her in the study, making her wonder if they were true. Back in the safety of her room, Tyler let go of her hand and gently touched her cheek. "What's wrong? Are you upset?" he asked.

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Just then, Alisa entered the room and mentioned, "Sir, they've been talking about her outside..." Tyler, already aware, softened his touch. "You're not crazy, and nobody will say that again. Do you hear me?" Olivia pressed her lips together, holding back tears, but one slipped down, landing on Tyler's fingertip. He wiped it away, his voice full of sympathy. "You're just ill, you've forgotten sthings, that's all. You're not what they say, understand?" Olivia felt terrible but hearing Tyler's words made her reflect deeply. She nodded, feeling a bit reassured.

Alisa looked on, pleased, believing in her heart that Olivia was not insane. She understood everything despite her memory issues and communication struggles.

Tyler smiled gently at Olivia's nod. "It's good that you understand. Let's get better slowly, okay He lifted her chin and played with her hair, saying, "Look how beautiful you are today. Alisa has done a great job dressing you up."

Olivia blushed, her tears gone, and she looked at Tyler with bright, m sparkling eyes.