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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 522
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Tyler walked into the room right after he went upstairs. He asked Alisa, "Where's Olivia?" Alisa was frantically looking around. When she heard him, she stammered, "She was here a moment ago, but when I cback with a fresh towel, she was gone." Outside the room, it was noisy, with a group of maids gathered close by. Tyler looked upset and ordered, "Step back." They quickly moved away, not daring to approach the room again.

He then hurried to the wardrobe and opened every compartment, but Olivia was nowhere to be found. The maids, huddled outside, whispered among themselves, "Oh no, what if she hurts someone?" "I don't think she would..." "Who knows? She's mentally ill." "What do we do?" Search the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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Their quiet voices didn't mean they couldn't be overheard. Still, they were left to themselves.

Tyler didn't stop searching. He checked behind every door in the room.

Just as he was checking the last corner, one of the maids yelled, "She's in the study!" Tyler's tense body relaxed upon hearing this, and he ran toward the study.

The smaid approached him as he left the room, "Sir, she's in your study." He raced there and found Olivia squatting in a corner. She was neatly dressed, and despite her strange behavior, she looked beautiful, like a delicate doll. "Olivia," Tyler called softly.

Olivia looked up immediately, her eyes filling with tears. Her hands were trembling as she hugged her knees, on the verge of crying. She appeared frightened and vulnerable, as if she had finally found the person she had been looking for.

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Tyler was taken aback by her state.

Alisa explained, "She might have been looking for your After you left, or stre seemed lost and soon wandered off. I think she was trying to find you but got lost because she's lost her memory..." Tyler's expression softened as he listened. Olivia continued to stare at him, tears streaming down her face.

He walked over and embraced her tightly, patting her head and om comforting her with a tenderness Alisa had never heard before.

"I just stepped out for a bit. I'm hnow, aren't I?" Unaware, he wasm soothing her fears with immense love and kindness.