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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 521
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Tyler's phone rang just then. He pulled it out and checked it without showing who was calling. He told Naomi and Hillary, "I need to go now." Hillary stepped closer and offered, "Letwalk you out." Tyler shook his head and replied, "It's okay, stay here with Naomi." His voice was flat, as if he was just saying that casually.

Hillary managed to smile and said, "Okay, go ahead." He left without another word, not even glancing at Naomi as he walked away. S~EaRch the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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Tyler had only been there for half an hour when he got a call from Alisa and had to leave.

Hillary turned to Naomi and said, "Look, Olivia's lost it. You don't have to worry about them doing anything rash. Even if she doesn't get better, you have time. Who knows what the future holds? And really, can your relationship with him stand up to a marriage certificate? From the way he's choosing to support her and keep the baby, it's clear he really cares about you." Naomi felt overwhelmed. Since the incident, Tyler had been distant, and nothing had changed. Now, with Olivia mentally unstable, could things ever return to how they were before? She was afraid to think about it. All she could do was take comfort in her mother's words, thankful that Olivia's condition at least shielded her from feeling threatened about her relationship with Tyler.

All that remained in question was her status as his wife. Maybe, as her mother suggested, they just had to wait for Olivia to get better. Maybe the title of wife didn't really mean much.

Naomi sat there, eyes closed, thinking maybe this was her punishment.

Tyler hurried has soon as he left the hospital. Alisa had called to say Olivia was missing.

He drove quickly, and as he arrived, Ben coutside. "You're back, sir." "Isn't she in her room?" Tyler asked immediately.

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"No," Ben answered. "Alisa was her bathe, but when she was gone." Content belehwent to get a fresh towel, Tyler frowned.

The house was in chaos. The maids were terrified, fearing Olivia might harm them after hearing she had lost her sanity. It had been days since anyone had seen her last, which only added to their fear.

Now that she was missing, panic had set in. They didn't want to get hurt Tyler rushed inside and headed upstairs, with Ben struggling to keep up. Just

and neith arrived hand was om taken aback by the scand. and chaos. He looked worried.
