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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 518
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Ana felt chilly from Tyler's words. She couldn't figure out what he had discovered. Despite her worry, she thought defiantly, 'Even if he knows something, did I really push Olivia too far?' But she knew she wasn't alone in this-Naomi and Tyler were involved too. She smirked to herself, thinking further, 'And what if I did drive Olivia over the edge? That's just the way things are. Isn't that their karma?' The thought that he was so protective of Naomi only fueled her anger. 'If another innocent gets hurt, that's on them,' she thought bitterly.

Inside, Ana felt a fiery anger burning. Tyler, however, stayed cool as he watched her seething.

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"I won't disturb your peace then," he said calmly.

Her heart felt like it was breaking, but she forced herself to stand tall. Putting on an arrogant expression, she smirked and stayed silent.

Tyler turned and walked away.

She grew colder as she watched him leave. The quiet around her felt like it was swallowing her whole.

She didn't know how long she stood there until Ben approached her, calling out, "Ma'am." Ana turned to him with a frown. "What?" Ben hesitated, noting her irritation. "I just thought something might've happened since you haven't moved." "What could possibly happen to me?" Ana snapped. She threw him a quick look and then walked away, her head held high.

Despite her bravado, she couldn't stop thinking about Tyler. 'What he found out? What's he plannelet & Ron & her racing.

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With a deep breath, she clenched her fists.

Meanwhile, the Joneses hadn't heard from Olivia since she returned to the Harrises. The house was unusually ve quiet, and Darren was noticeably subdued, while Hillary seemed unconcerned, busying herself with daily visits to Naomi's Ward.

During one visit, Hillary asked Naomi, "Has Tyler cby?" Sach Th Find_. et website on Google to access chapters of early and teon in the highest quality. Naomi paused for a long while before answering in a flat voice, "No. I guess he's been busy."

Hillary thought Tyler would have visited despite his busy schedulen "Why don't you call him and ask about Olivia? Tell him your dad's really worried," she suggested. Naomi sat silently for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, I'll call him." Hillary breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, you do that." X