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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 516
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Tyler affectionately played with Olivia's hair, saying lovingly, "I'm your husband, there's no need to be shy, am I right?" Olivia, still not comfortable with the closeness, tried to dodge his touch.

Seeing this, Tyler reassured her, "Take your time, there's no rush." Just then, their therapist walked in. Tyler's hand moved to the back of Olivia's head as he noticed the therapist entering. "Okay, the doctor's here," he informed her.

At the moment, the only people Olivia was familiar with were Alisa, Tyler, and the therapist, Stephen. She stood close to Tyler as Stephen entered, though she remained on guard.

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"Good morning, Mrs. Harris. Did you sleep well last night?" Stephen greeted her warmly.

His voice was calming. Although Olivia didn't reply, she seemed a bit more relaxed.

"Let's go to the couch," Stephen suggested, and Tyler echoed, "Let's go." Alisa helped guide Olivia, and they began the psychotherapy session.

Over an hour later, Stephen cout of the room to find Tyler waiting. "She seems to have gotten better today. I'm surprised by her openness to you," Stephen observed.

"Mm-hmm, she's acceptingslowly," Tyler responded calmly.

"It's a good thing," Stephen continued. "The biggest issue now is her memory loss and her aphasia. The aphasia is psychological, not physical. You can help her start talking slowly, and she should recover. But her memory loss..." His Voice trailed off, showing his concern.

Tyler didn't seem too worried about Olivia getting her memory back. When he heard about it, his expression didn't change much. "It's okay," he said calmly. "If she starts talking again, that would be great. The rest isn't as important fight now." Stephen, catching Tyler's intent, looked a bit surprised but nodded "Okay, got it. We'll focus on getting her to talk again without Λοι medication." "Thank you for that," Tyler said.

"It's my job, Mr. Harris," Stephen replied before quickly leaving.

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Tyler remained standing, deep in thought. At that moment, Camilla approached him. "Sir, I found something." Tyler looked at her intently and said, "Tell me."

"I discovered that Ms. Ana was investigating someone meone before this happened to MS. Olívia. It's Jacob," Camilla revealed. Tyler's expression turned cold, but he asked no further questions and continued to stare at Camilla.

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