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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 511
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Tyler's actions softened when he saw Olivia's reaction. He asked gently, "Can I wipe your hands?" Olivia just stared at him.

Tyler picked up the towel that Alisa had left on the nightstand. He gently took Olivia's hand and began to wipe her hands carefully.

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Olivia kept her head down, watching as Tyler handled her fingers. At first, her fingers trembled slightly, but she didn't pull away. She let him continue, allowing him to wipe them attentively. Tyler caressed each of her fingers tenderly, his eyes full of compassion. The warmth of the towel made Olivia feel comfortable, which is why she watched so intently.

About twenty minutes later, Alisa walked in and stopped short, surprised. Olivia was letting Tyler get this close? After he finished, Tyler placed Olivia's hands back on her knees while still squatting next to her. "Okay, your hands are clean now. The necklace on your wrist looks even prettier." All ladies liked to feel pretty, and Olivia glanced at her wrist.

Just then, Alisa entered and called out, "Sir." Tyler turned to her and motioned with his hand for her to be quiet. She quickly stopped talking, and only then did he stand up and look at her.

"Ma'am," Alisa began.

Tyler wore a faint smile, seeming happier now. "Remember, never bring up the past with her." "The lisa was confused.

After a pause, she realized what he meant. Her heart skipped a beat as she replied, "Got it, sir." Tyler continued to gaze at Olivia, then added, "Only bring up the good memories." Understanding the instruction, Alisa responded, a bit nervously, "O-Okay, sir." Tyler didn't hurry away. He gave Olivia stto get comfortable with his presence before he finally left her in Alisa's care.

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That night, Olivia kept staring at the necklace on her wrist. Alisa was shocked by how naturally she had accepted Tyler's closeness.

Alisa watched Olivia and the necklace, puzzled about what had happened in her short absence However, remembering Tyler's words made her feel uneasy.

She brought Olivia a glass of milk at 10 o'clock. "Shall we go to bed after you drink your milk, ma'am?" she suggested. Olivia looked up upon hearing her.

"Let's finish it, yeah?" Alisa encouraged. Drinking milk was an swn

old habit that helped with sleep m something Alisa hoped to bring back.

It was quite late, and they were both tired. Olivia took the glass an@drank e her milk. X