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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 503
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Olivia looked toward the door when she heard Alisa. Fear was clear in her eyes; everything was strange to her. Alisa spoke gently, "Let's go inside, Ma'am." Olivia quickly lowered her head and moved forward.

Keith and Ana were watching her. Olivia walked past them without a glance, as if they weren't there. Her reactions were noticeably slow.

Alisa guided her into the living room and then to her room.

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At that moment, Keith asked, "What happened, Tyler?" "The doctor said she should recover at home," Tyler repeated.

From his words, they could guess how serious Olivia's condition was. Keith frowned, falling silent.

Ana stood quietly as well.

As Tyler headed to the living room, Maisy cout, eager to greet him. "Where's Olivia, Tyler? What did the doctor say?" After her question, she noticed Keith and Ana's somber silence. She had looked worried before, but now she froze and stared at Tyler.

He replied simply, "I'll be upstairs," and continued on.

Maisy started to tear up, clutching at her chest. "Oh, no. What did we do to deserve this? Why is she suffering so much when she's so young?" She couldn't hold back her tears. Ana usually had something to say, but today, she was silent.

Meanwhile, Keith's frown deepened.

In her room, Olivia lay in bed, ignoring everything and everyone around her.

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After a while, Alisa approached her cautiously and spoke with a trembling voice, "Ma'am." Olivia slowly turned her head toward her.

Alisa continued, trying to reconnect, "I used to take care of you. Do you remember me?" Olivia looked at her for a long tbut in the bed once hers turned away, burying sveAlisa's heart sank as she saw Olivia's lack of emotion; a tear rolled down her cheek.

Just then, Tyler entered. He paused when saw Alisa crying. After a moment, she noticed him andele quickly said, "Sir." SW He waited before speaking, "You may leave now." Alisa, stunned, looked at him. "Sir-"

"I'd like to be alone with her," Tyler stated firmly.

simly. The content is on novelenglish.net! Though Olivia hadn't shown any vior since yesterdayet

Alisa was still worried. However, she didn't challenge Tyler's order.

She glanced at Olivia once more m before nodding and leaving the room. X