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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 489
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Tyler's eyes squinted, betrayed a sharp glint.

The room fell silent, devoid even of the faintest whispers of breath.

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After a few moments, Tyler who was staring into Claude's eyes, moved his hand away from the door handle and smiled. "What's this?" The butler and maid weren't sure how Claude had gotten in there because they hadn't seen him when they were at the door.

Claude ignored their gazes and just stood there while holding Olivia. "She fainted." Tyler asked, "What are you doing here?" The sharper his gaze became, the colder his expression was.

Claude smirked. "How have you been taking care of her? She had to cto the hospital and immediately fainted. Why do you think you have the right to askwhat I'm doing here?" The butler was afraid and starting to feel suspicious as he looked at Olivia in Claude's arms.

Even the maid could tell something was wrong.

Tyler scoffed. "That's my family's business." He raised his arms, his tone too casual as he said, "Give her to me." "I thought you would treat her well because she's going to save Naomi, but I guess I overestimated your kindness. You torture her in that home. Aren't you afraid about divine retribution?" Tyler still looked nonchalant. "That's between us and God. She's part of my family now, even if we torture her. Are you going to carry her out of this hospital this way?" "I don't have the right to carry her out, but Tyler Harris, I'm warning you. You should be a better person." "You should take your own advice." For a moment, nobody spoke.

Claude then walked over and placed Olivia into Tyler's arms. "I won't let you treat her this way." Tyler's eyes were sharp. "I'm waiting for the day you have the right to order my family around." They stared at each other for a few seconds before Tyler walked away with Olivia in his arms.

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Claude stared at his back.

The butler and maid finally reacted and followed along.

him After getting into the car, the butler closed The door and Tyler looked at "Who asked to send her hospital?" Tyler knew something was off.

this The butler was just recovering from. what had happened and tried to look calm. "Ms. Olivia wasn't feeling well and Ms. Maisy was in her room when Mr. Claude visited. She told

him about Olivia's insomnia, and he recommended the doctor. Ghe m content is on novelenglish.net!

The butler could tell how tense it was and felt as though the air would m freeze. "So you didn't know Claude was there?" "Of course not. After bringing Ms. Olivia d here, we just stayed outsthe door and didn't see him enter." t belongs to swn

Tyler glanced at him. "I'm sure you know what will happen if what happened today gets out." The m content is on novelenglish.net! X