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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 482
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* Olivia didn't want to say more and just ended their conversation. "I need to go." Sophie hesitated, wanting to speak, but Olivia lowered her head and walked away. Despite her impulse to follow, the presence of the maids made her pause. She remained rooted, observing as the group disappeared into the hall.

Olivia appeared visibly frail and despondent, evoking immediate concern in Sophie's mind.

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That night, after getting back to where she and Jacob was staying, she was still worried.

Jacob got off work early, so he started making food in the kitchen.

When he cout, he saw her sitting on the couch looking unhappy, so he sat next to her and asked, "What happened? You didn't find Claude?" Sophie looked at him and said, "He's not there. I don't know where he is." Jacob thought about it, then said, "I guess he had something to get to." He looked as if he was still deep in thought, but then he put his arm around her shoulders and said, "I made your favorite food. Why are you still looking so sad?" Sophie hesitated but still decided that talking about it would make her feel better. "I bumped into Olivia there." Jacob's arm froze, but he quickly smiled. "Oh? Again?" Jacob when about Olivia was a stranger. Content beeshe Sweet to Sophie just said, "Yes." "Did something happen?" His eyes went to the arm that was holding Sophie.

"She's not doing well and looks depressed. She even said something weird to me." "What did she say?" "She askedto keep an eye on you and she didn't want her issues to affect us." Jacob frowned.

"Don't you find that odd?" "What else?" Jacob asked.

"She didn't say anything after that and left." Jacob frowned more, and his hand relaxed.

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Sophie didn't notice that because she was still troubled by something else, so she asked, "Do you think should tell Claude about Olivia? I know he loves her, but she's married

now so it didn't feel right... I don't want to add fuel to the fire.

Sophie crossed her arms and continued, "But I'm warned Om om something might happen t belongs to swnoX