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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 478
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Ana scoffed upon hearing that. "Why did he bring you home? To put on a show for me?" Camilla quickly interjected, realizing Ana's anger, "How could he? Ms. Olivia had a severe fever the other night, Ms. Ana. Let's get her to her room to rest. It won't be good if it affects the baby." "He doesn't care about the baby, and you think I do? The sickly one would be dead if anything happened to the baby. I wouldn't mind that," Ana retorted, glancing at Olivia.

Olivia felt a chill run down her spine as if she were in an ice cave.

Ana scoffed even louder. "Go back to your room. We'll talk more next time." Even Camilla could sense the threat in Ana's tone, so she continued smiling, not daring to speak.

She hadn't expected things to unfold like this. With Naomi out of Ana's reach, she was now targeting Olivia, who had been her pawn.

Camilla wasn't sure whether to pity Olivia, who was trying to protect Naomi, or to remain neutral.

Olivia remained stoic in the face of Ana's hurtful words.

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"Okay, Mom," she replied before leaving the living room for her own room.

Camilla watched her go, feeling uneasy.

Ana had her way of dealing with her defiant daughter-in-law. Turning to Camilla, she said, "I'll make her see the consequences if she dares to defy me. She'll learn what hell is like." Camilla shivered at the threat as Ana grinned and left.

In truth, Camilla was worried. Everything had becmore complicated than she had imagined. While she knew Olivia was safe for now, being pregnant meant Ana wouldn't cross certain lines. But there was always the fear that Ana might snap.

What would Tyler do if Ana decided to take revenge on Olivia? Would he protect Naomi or Olivia? It was the most challenging question of the century.

Camilla stood alone in the living room, lost in thought. Worry clouded her mind about what lay ahead. Tyler, with typical foresight, had sent Camilla hto prevent Ana from reaching a breaking point.

Meanwhile, at the hospital.

Naomi took a stroll with Emma pushing her wheelchair. Spotting Camilla in the distance with a bag from the pharmacy, Naomi called out, "Camilla?" Startled by the sound of her name, Camilla turned to see Naomi approaching.

"Ms. Naomi," she greeted, surprised.

Naomi's brow furrowed in confusion. "Weren't you supposed to be on the trip with Tyler? Why are you here?" Camilla paused briefly before replying, "I'm picking up folic acid tablets for Ms. Olivia." Naomi glanced at the tablets in Camilla's hand, processing the information.

Since Olivia needed cord blood, she was undergoing her check-ups at Naomi's hospital for convenience. Delivering the baby there would streamline her pre-surgery O preparations.

Consequently, the hospital had prescribed the folic acid tablets.

Naomi found it peculiar that Camilla was present The fishing village project was a significant endeavor for the Harris Group, making it seemingly impossible for her to be I.ne absent. Yet, there she was, attending to such a trivial matter. Content belongs to FindS Nevertheless, Naomi masked her confusion with a smile. "I understand. How is Olivia doing?" Observing Naomi's relaxed et demeanor, Camilla couldn't help but feel sympathy for Olivia. Despite Olivia's loyalty to her, Naomi seemed to e her guard up against her.

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Maintaining her smile, Camilla remarked, "She's five monthso m pregnant now Both she and the baby are doing well."

Naomi's relief was evident. "That's wonderful, as long as she's healthy. It's just that she's been ignoring me..." Her tone conveyed sadness.

"I'll talk to her for you," Camilla offered.

Naomi smiled gratefully. "Sure, thank you so much." Camilla nodded, excused herself, citing busyness, and ended their conversation.

Turning to Emma, Naomi asked, "Doesn't it strike you as odd that Camilla is here?"

Emma replied with a smile, "Perhaps she has sbusiness to attend to.

Don't fret. I'm confident MrTyler dan manage just fine." Satisfied with Emma's reassurance, Naomi stopped dwelling on the matter, and they proceeded to the north building. Meanwhile, Olivia had been anticipating Ana's confrontation since her return from Vahari.

However, realizing that Ana made no move against her, Olivia had resigned herself to the situation. She knew that a peaceful existence was out of reach for the next few months. Despite Ana's current inaction, Olivia endured daily nightmares, constantly gripped by fear.