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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 475
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Olivia went on asking, "Can I... go in?" Camilla said, "He must be... resting." Olivia wasn't concerned about anything else—she simply aimed to fulfill her mission.

"I'm just sending something to him." Camilla hesitated to interrupt. "Then go knock on his door." Once granted permission, Olivia expressed her gratitude.

As they reached Tyler's room, Camilla left.

Olivia rapped on the door. Silence met her first attempt, but it swung open with the second knock.

Gazing at Tyler, she wondered if he had just awakened, still clad in his sleeping robe.

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Observing her pale face, Tyler asked, "Has your fever subsided?" "Yes," she affirmed.

Without much reaction, he instructed, "Then rest in your room." As he began to close the door, Olivia halted him. "Tyler-" He paused, turning to face her.

Olivia clutched the food container and hesitated before asking, "Can I cin?" Tyler glanced at the container, his brow furrowing.

Realizing her mistake, Olivia pressed on. Even if he saw through her, eating the meal together was all that mattered. "May I?" Tyler froze, studying her for a prolonged moment.

Though weak and uneasy, Olivia was holding everything in.

"Sure," he said and went into the room.

The closed curtains enveloped the room in darkness, the first thing catching her attention as she entered. She hesitated briefly before proceeding.

Setting the food container on the table, she glanced at Tyler.

Tyler wondered how far Olivia would comply with Ana's threat for Jacob's sake.

Tyler sat quietly, his eyes devoid of emotions.

"I... Uh... Your mother worries I won't adjust arrap the food here, so she d for this," she explainetentatively.


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Leaning back in his chair, Tyler asked, "You wanna eat together?" The N content is on novelenglish.net!

"May I, Tyler?" Olivia noticed his low spirits, a sign of fatigue The content istomnovelenglish.net! "If you want," he replied simply.

He seemed resigned to her actions, offering little reaction.

Relieved, she carefully laid out the food.

The Harris family chef had prepared an elaborate spread, including am special risotto and Various meat dishes. Content belongs Find swho Ine "Care for srisotto?" Olivia asked.

Although Tyler was not hungry, he nodded. "Sure, I'll take some." She served him a plate, cautioning, "It's still hot." Tyler narrowed his eyes in silence.