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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 473
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The high fever left Olivia too weak to stay awake, and she succumbed to sleep almost instantly, despite the tense atmosphere. Tyler rose from the couch once she drifted off.

At that moment, a hotel staff member entered with a pail of water at the perfect temperature.

He swiftly dismissed the staff and retrieved a towel from the pail before heading to the bed.

Intent on soothing Olivia, he prepared to wipe her neck and forehead. As he settled beside her, the moonlight bathed them both.

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His gaze upon her held a predatory intensity, mixed with complex emotions.

He positioned himself above her like a lion eyeing its prey, his cold stare softened when Olivia stirred. He gently placed his hand on hers, which rested on her stomach.

* The following morning, Tyler left Olivia's room at dawn, returning to his own.

Although he hadn't slept a wink throughout the night, he was not tired. He sat on a chair and lit a cigarette. Camilla arrived to begin her workday, approaching him as he still smoked. "Sir," she addressed him.

He barely acknowledged her, asking, "Was the mission completed?" "It was done last night at midnight. We'll have the villagers sign along with the local cadre," she reported.

Recalling something, he reminded her, "Make sure it's executed properly." Understanding the significance of the project to him, Camilla reassured him, "Don't worry. I'll oversee everything closely." Then she added, "Local media has caught wind of Ms. Olivia's presence elhere with you. They've expressed interest in interviewing her. It's crucial to shape a positive impression among the villagers now. I'm concerned the media may léverage her absence from yesterday's event against you.

|| Tyler extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray, stating firmly, "Inform them she's unwell due to pregnancy and won't be available for interviews." He had no intention of exposing her to the media.

Camilla nodded. "Understood. She should imaeed be resting. However, her presence could boost youre image among the villagers. It might be advantageous if..." Tyler's gaze silenced her.

After a brief pause, she continued, "I understand." Observing that he was still dressed from the previous night, she remarked, "You should rest after caring for her all night." He made no comment.

Just then, his phone rang. Camilla at it briefly, then at on recognizing the c recognizing the caller.

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r let it ring until the cap gave up.

She hesitated to speak.

"You may go," he instructed.

After a prolonged pause, Camilla replied, "Of novelenglish.net! Read the latest moveof course, "Xthe content is on chapter there! His demeanor turned chilly as soon as she left.

Upon waking, Naomi attempted to call Tyler, receiving no answer. She sighed and set her phone aside. The Bet content is on novelenglish.net!

Seeing him on the news the previous night, she assumed he was occupied with his trip and decided against further attempts to contact him. X