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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 460
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Olivia glanced back, freezing as she recognized the figure.

Since the company chaos, aside from their phone call, this marked the first encounter with Claude.

Tyler acted swiftly, passing the candle to the priest before turning to the door. His voice resounded through the church, "Claude." Claude remained fixated on Olivia, his gaze warm and tender.

Tyler stood still, taken aback by Claude's audacity to stare at his wife in such a sacred space. Grimness shadowed his smile.

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"Mr. Pearce," Linda called out to him.

Only then did Claude tear his gaze from Olivia to acknowledge Tyler. He responded with a smile, "Tyler." Tyler stood motionless, giving no response, his eyes still grim.

Olivia remained rooted to the spot.

Beside Claude, Lionel asked, "Why is Mr. Harris here, Claude? Should we join them?" Claude glanced at him before suggesting, "Let's go greet them." With that, he approached.

Lionel followed suit. When they stopped, Claude addressed Tyler, "What a coincidence to encounter each other here." His eyes then shifted to Olivia. "It's been a while, Mrs. Harris. Are you keeping well?" His eyes brimmed with care and affection, his emotions unhidden.

Olivia's palms began to sweat, and she silently stepped back, saying nothing.

"We're not Ster-in-rangers. She's your Just call her Olivialclaude: Tyler remarked t belongs to swnClaude chuckled. "She's like family to me, perhaps I should use her endearment." Tyler smiled faintly before turning to Linda. "Olivia isn't feeling well. Take her to the car." He ushered Olivia away from Claude.

Linda approached Olivia, leading her away. "Let's head to the car the priest finishesne We'll retrieve the S~Earch the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

As Olivia turned to leave, Claude suddenly grasped her wrist.

Everyone froze, especially Tyler, whose smile vanished entirely.

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"Mr. Pearce!" Linda exclaimed, unable to comprehend his audacity.

Olivia met his gaze.

Disregarding Linda and the bewildered onlookers, Claude spoke e gently, You dropped something." She lowered her gaze, instinctively reaching for her neck. It was themet on one realized her necklace had that slipped to the ground.ent belongs to FindS The moment she noticed, Claude released her wrist.

She glanced at him before retrieving the necklace. Clutching it, she m murmured, Thank you, Mr. Pearce." Lionel observed the strange scene with skepticism.

Tyler's demeanor hadn't softened; if anything, his gaze had turned even igier