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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 452
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Naomi couldn't discern who it was from her distance, so she gently asked, "Working again, Tyler?" "No. It's my mother," he stated frankly, grabbing the phone and springing to his feet, leaving.

Naomi's hands halted their movements, even catching the nurse's attention.

Tyler took the call, and his mother wasted no tgetting to the point, "I sent Olivia to bring you afternoon tea. Have you checked it out yet?" "I instructed her to deliver it to the front desk. Didn't she do that?" Ana chuckled. "I told her to hand it to you personally. If you aren't there, tough luck! She'll have to wait until you're back." Tyler's expression darkened. It was a clear threat.

"What do you think you're doing?" he growled coldly.

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Ana laughed. "Sending you afternoon tea. Didn't I say that?" Was Tyler afraid? No.

Ana understood that Tyler and Naomi, the ones who should be most concerned about the pregnant young woman and her baby's well-being, couldn't bear the thought of losing them.

"You're unbelievable." "Hey, you can always choose not to go," Ana said sweetly.

Tyler scowled.

"Take your tto mull it over. If you're truly that busy, then stay there. She can wait." With that, Ana ended the call, leaving Tyler alone with the beep of the phone. He removed it from ving ear, his forehead creased despite his stoic expression.

Naomi had been waiting for his return.

Finally, about five minutes later, Tyler cback in. She watched et him quietly, uncertain if the initial "work" call was from Ana or not, and what her intentions were. Content belongs to FindTyler didn't reclaim his seat on the couch. After a moment of contemplation, he announced, "I need to be out for a while. The nurse will keep you company." Naomi was taken aback. "Did something happen?" Whatever Ana had said couldn't have been innocuous. She must have instigated something against Tyler perhaps to retaliate for him spending so much twith Naomi lately.

"Don't worry about it. Just rest," he replied shortly, choosing not to elaborate.

Naomi instinctively gripped the edge of her blanket. She studied his expression and sensed he was concealing something. "What did she do this time?" "Nothing. Please, rest." With that, Tyler departed.

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The ward had always been rather somber and dim, but Tyler's departure accentuated its desolation. Naomi felt a chill of loneliness.

"Ms. Naomi? Shall we continue with our knitting?" Tyler had been wearing a scowl since leaving the hospital.

Linda had anticipated him leaving by evening and found his return unexpected. "You're back already?" Search the Findwebsite on Google to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.