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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 447
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"I'm fine, really," Claude said as he gently removed her hand from his arm. "How have you and Jacob been doing lately? Honestly, I hope Jacob keeps a close watch on you because of your impulsiveness. I wouldn't want you to accidentally say something inappropriate to the media." "I'll keep an eye on her, Mr. Claude," Jacob reassured.

Claude smiled at him. "You're probably the only one who can, I'm afraid." "Is there anything else you need help with?" Jacob asked, making his loyalty and position clear to anyone paying attention.

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Claude gave him a long, thoughtful look. Jacob met his gaze earnestly.

"Just take care of Sophie for me," Claude finally said with a smile. "You don't have to worry about me." "Well, I guess that's true. Sophie and I feel better knowing you're alright," Jacob responded sincerely.

"You should go hwith him," Claude told Sophie.

After hearing that Claude was okay, Sophie was ready to leave, but she felt compelled to add, "You know, everything that happened is in the past. We all hope it doesn't bother you anymore," she said. "Please. We were all so worried about you." Claude patted her head. "You've really grown up. But you should go hwith Jacob. I'm going to stay here for a bit longer." Sophie looked around. The place looked like an old shack. After thinking it over, she said, "Alright. We'll be waiting for you at home." They talked a bit more until Sophie felt reassured about his mental state. Just as she was about to leave, she turned back and said, "I know you called Olivia." Jacob's eyes flickered briefly. He watched Claude, who hadn't noticed his look. After a pause, Claude admitted, "Yes, I did. I told her to take care." Sophie was about to speak again when Lilah interrupted, "Let's go for a walk, Ms. Sophie. The air is great outside." Sophie agreed and they left. Jacob started to follow, but Claude stopped him. "Jacob, please stay. I'd like to talk to you." Jacob turned to Claude. Sophie also looked back, hopeful that this was a sign of Claude mentoring Jacob.

The fact that he was told to starnet" meant this was a good start. She then walked away, leaving them alone.

"I understand what you're trying to say, Jacob," Claude started.

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Jacob bowed his head slightly. "I'm here to help." "I know. You're smart, and I can tell you'll be one of us," Claude remarked.

"I'm honored to hear that." "I heard Olivia was your ex." "We broke up a long tago. It was never nous. We're just friends replied quickly new brought up a topic.

Claude nodded, satisfied. "That's good to hear. I trust you'll look after Sophie well I'd prefer it if you didn't get involved with Olivia again." belongs to Find

Jacob understood the implication. He kept his humble expression and said, "Understood. Claude smiled as he sipped his tea. "Good."

Meanwhile, Sophie walked around outside the Jacob. She kept glancing toward the gate, watching for his return.