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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 443
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Olivia hummed in agreement. Ana watched Tyler and Olivia as they walked upstairs, her face looking more relaxed.

Alisa met them at the top of the stairs. "Mr. Tyler, the lights in the study are broken, and we can't get them fixed tonight. Ms. Ana said you should sleep in the bedroom instead." Olivia looked up, surprised, while Alisa looked away.

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After a moment, Tyler replied, "Alright." He headed to the bedroom.

Olivia glanced back to see Ana watching from the living room. Ana's look seemed to say, "Take this chance." Olivia tightened her hand around her wrist, looking down as she walked into the bedroom under Ana's watchful eye.

They hadn't slept in this room together for a long time, but the bed was neatly made, thanks to Ana.

Tyler took off his coat silently and then said to Olivia, "It's late. Go to sleep." He avoided looking at her and went to take a shower.

Olivia felt awkward, now that they were together in the sroom. She knew she had to share the bed with him tonight, but she couldn't bring herself to leave the room. Olivia took a few moments to calm down and started getting ready for bed. She changed her clothes. After Tyler cout of the bathroom, she went in.

She took her time. When she cout, it was already 1 am.

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Tyler was reading in bed but put his book down when he saw her. "Try to get ssleep," he said, massaging his temple before lying down.

Olivia wondered why he had cback when he had planned to stay at Sandalwood Palace. Maybe he was worried Ana might get upset with her? ...Or perhaps she was reading too much into it. It was hard to tell.

She dried her hair and applied scream to her stomach, a routine she believed helped with post-pregnancy stretch Marks. fyler, almost asleep, opened his eyes when he noticed Olivia wasn't in bed yet. He saw her applying cream to her stomach.

Caught off-guard, Olivia quickly pulled her shirt down to cover her Ne stomachland fixed her hair.

Finally, she got into bed but didn't dare to pull the blanket over herself. She glanced at Tyler and saw that he was turned away from her, showing only his broad back.