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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 440
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"I can't do anything if that's what you think," Olivia said with a defeated look.

He studied her face, then gently touched her cheeks and said, "Olivia, you've gotten braver. Did Claude teach you that?" Olivia turned her head away slightly.

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Tyler stopped moving as he looked at her long, dark eyelashes that made her small oval face seem even more attractive in the tight space.

She wasn't trying to tempt him, but she was very tempting. She didn't realize how much she was like a piece of delicious cake, drawing him in to taste her sweetness. He finally understood why Ana had sent her.

Tyler could smell her scent and wanted to hug her tightly, but instead, he lightly ran his finger down her cheek to her chin.

Olivia felt his intense gaze and sensed something was wrong. She felt anxious and wanted to escape his hold. But Tyler held her close and whispered, "I should control myself, Olivia." A moment later, he was so close that she could feel his breath as he touched her soft skin. He seemed enchanted, losing control as he kissed her soft pink lips.

Olivia hadn't expected that. She pushed him back quickly and turned her face away, asking frantically, "What are you doing?" Even with her hand in the way, he didn't move back, his lips still touching the corner of hers. "Don't you know what I'm doing? Weren't you tempting me? Do you want to seelose control? Why are you trying to get away now?" He held onto her waist tightly.

Olivia was slim, and even though she was pregnant, her body was still slender. Her belly made her waist look smaller, and the slight weight gain made her body more curvy.

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Tyler kissed her again, and as their lips met, Olivia struggled and said, "If you know Ms. Ana senthere, you should letgo."

Tyler seemed to snap out of his daze and froze. His foreheadrested m against hers, and he could hear her rapid heartbeat and quick breathing. Olivia seemed to have lost all her strength and sat back down on his lap. She lowered her head and stopped moving.

Their faces were very close, but she kept her head down while he frowned ather. Even at such a close distance, En.

their eyes wouldn't meet.