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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 428
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The host looked serious as he spoke. "This old, blurry photo shows that she was beaten up and her lower body was badly injured." That morning, Olivia was feeling bored, so she turned on the TV in the living room. She usually watched entertainment news for fun, but this tshe also started reading a book. Just a few seconds later, she heard something shocking on the TV. She looked up so suddenly that the book she was holding dropped to the carpet with a loud thump, startling her. Ana cin from the greenhouse and immediately noticed the TV screen as well.

The news was spreading across the country.

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Claude had left his house that morning and soon got a call from his assistant. "Mr. Claude, you should check your phone right now." He followed the instructions without asking any questions. As soon as he hung up, his phone lit up with a bunch of alerts.

Olivia was staring at the TV when she sensed someone at the door. Turning, she saw Ana. She quickly got up from the couch.

Ana was also watching the TV, her lips tightly pressed together.

Olivia had thought that Morgan's death was simply because she jumped off a building, but it turned out to be more complex. Claude had assaulted her. But why would he do something like that? Olivia found it hard to believe. She didn't know Claude well enough, nor the history between the two families.

She wasn't sure if the news was true, but it frightened her, making her hands tremble.

After a moment of silence, a maid walking by saw what was on the screen and was so startled that she grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

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The maid was still shaken as she glanced at Ana, who seemed tom quickly regain her composure and went upstairs.

After Ana left, Olivia turned to the Thin maid and asked, "Is this true? The content is eshis content is on novelenglish.net! The maid didn't answer her.

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