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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 423
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Tyler stepped out of the car just after the nurses helped Naomi. Hillary walked over excitedly and called out, "Naomi, Tyler." "What's cooking, Mom? It smells great out here," Naomi said as she stepped out.

Hillary replied with a smile, "Your favorites, of course," then glanced at Tyler. "I didn't expect to see you here with Naomi today, Tyler." Tyler responded indifferently, "Naomi wanted shome-cooked meals, so I brought her over. Hope that's okay." His tone wasn't enthusiastic, but he was polite.

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Hillary reassured him, "You're not bothering us at all. We're happy you're here." Darren, standing by her, added, "Con in with Naomi, Tyler." Tyler nodded at him and followed Naomi inside.

As she was wheeled into the house, Naomi said, "Can I have ssoup, Mom? I'm craving it." Hillary replied as she walked to the kitchen, "Of course, I'll get it ready." Darren offered nervously, "I'll make you stea, Tyler." "Thanks," Tyler said, still polite.

Naomi took a deep breath as she entered the living room, soaking in the familiar smells. She felt the joy of being free from the hospital.

After a moment, she said gratefully, "Thanks for staying by my side, Tyler. It means a lot that you chwith me." Tyler had been distant lately but still took care of her needs. He simply said, "As long as you're happy." "Am I taking too much of your time?" she asked.

"Don't worry about it." Naomi beamed. "It feels like old times, being out of the hospital." Tyler didn't respond and sat down on the couch.

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Soon, Darren cover with the tea.

"Try this, Tyler. I made it myself. Mer, I m Hope you like it. Tyler looked at Darren, took the tea, and said, "You don't need to be so formal with me."

Naomi watched them, her smile broadening. Even after all thesem years, Tylerremained respectful and En. caring toward her parents.

It was clear he loved her deeply, which made her fee incredibly Happy and hopeful for their future.