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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 418
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The screen went black, along with the laptops in front of the board of directors.

Even though Lilah had turned off the screen, the discussion continued. The directors were concerned about the impact on the company. They turned to Claude and asked, "You need to explain this, Claude. This isn't a joke, especially with the ties between Yancey Bank and the Harrises." One of them was the son-in-law, and the other was Mrs. Harris. It was a scandal that could hurt the company badly.

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Even the most supportive directors couldn't ignore this. They started to question Claude too.

Claude watched as their support wavered. He understood people and their nature very well. He knew he couldn't use his position to influence the board. Those who had seemed supportive were only looking out for their own interests. It seemed only a matter of tbefore they would turn against him.

The company was clearly in trouble.

As the directors were stirring up a storm, Lilah stood up and said, "This is all a misunderstanding! It's not what it looks like. Mrs. Harris has been friends with Mr. Pearce's cousin for years. He sees her as a sister. The Harrises have already explained those misleading photos that were published. Please don't believe the rumors. Things are not as they appear!" But who would believe her? Nobody would, unless the Harrises spoke up themselves. Otherwise, the photos would continue to threaten the company. The room was still in turmoil.

As Lilah struggled to calm the crowd, Tyler appeared at the door.

"What happened, Claude?" Tyler asked as he entered, looking around as if he were just visiting.

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Lilah was surprised to see him. She was wary, not knowing why he was there.

Tyler then surveyed the chaos before asking, "What's all this about?"

His presence made sense. After all, the Harrises owned part of Yancey Bank, and Angus was under his m management. His arrival didn't seem strange to anyone. The noisy meeting room fell silent at his appearance and question.

Tyler turned to one of the senior directors, who approached him and began, "Tyler, we were meant to m discuss srestructuring plans, NO but then we cacross sphotos on the computer. They..." He paused, then continued, "Well, they show Claude with Mrs. Harris..." He was subtly probing about the scandal, trying to verify the truth.

Claude watched coldly as Tylerstepped into the fray. The content is of novelenglish.net!