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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 409
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Tyler was simply giving Olivia information. He wasn't really expecting her to comment or get involved. After all, the issue concerned him and Naomi, and Olivia felt like she was on the outside looking in. Olivia kept her thoughts to herself.

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Tyler noticed her silence and looked away.

Linda led Naomi to sit behind Tyler and Olivia and asked her, "Are you feeling okay, Ms. Naomi?" Feeling quite good, Naomi smiled and replied, "Yes, I'm actually feeling better being out. Don't worry; I'm fine." Linda was happy to hear this. "That's great." Then, Naomi's voice softened as she asked, "Has Olivia... not forgiven me?" Linda quickly reassured her, "Don't worry. I don't think she's really mad at you." This seemed to relieve Naomi. "I'm glad to hear that." After Naomi settled down, a staff member handed Tyler a booklet about the auction items for the charity event. He began looking through it, and Naomi received one too. When she looked up and saw Tyler browsing, she smiled.

Olivia also received a booklet, but she didn't open it because she didn't understand the items listed inside. She knew it was Tyler's right to bring Naomi to this event. Olivia was just there to keep him company. The auction was Tyler and Naomi's interest, not hers, so she felt it wasn't her place to get involved. Tyler spent quite a bit of tlooking through the booklet. He seemed unaware that Olivia hadn't even glanced at hers. Eventually, he handed it back to the staff member.

Naomi finished looking through hers about the stand whispered something to Linda. Linda then walked over to Tyler and said, "Sir." Tyler turned to Linda, his expression serious in the dim light of the venue.

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"Ms. Naomi said the gold love locket looks nice," Linda conveyed.

Tyler inquired, "How much is the starting bid?"

"200,000 dollars," Linda explained. "It belonged to a married couple who were buried with it during tɓeo M e Edwardian era. It's engraved with 'forever' all over it." Upon hearing this, Olivia's expression grew more somber.

Tyler's expression was hard to read when he heard that. He didn't glance at Olivia to see her reaction at all. He E simply stated, "Bid on it then."

"Okay," Linda replied, then went back to Naomi immediately the content is of novelenglish.net!