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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7197
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Chapter 7197 Goyo, who had initially appeared lifeless, suddenly raised his head upon hearing the Leere Tribulation. A terrifying light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

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He stood up and asked with a ferocious expression, "How do you know about the Leere Tribulation? Who told you?" Seeing Goyo's reaction, James and Thea exchanged silent glances.

Goyo shouted, it was Xanthakos, right? He went to such extents to seize the Forty-Ninth Heaven and the Greater Realms, huh? He sure is doing whatever it takes! You'll regret it if you believe his nonsense! You'd walk the wrong path, and perish!" James raised his eyebrows and smiled without saying a word.

Suddenly, Thea laughed and said, "We only mentioned the Leere Tribulation. What do you think he said to have such a big reaction?" Goyo coughed awkwardly.

Thea stared at him and asked, "I have a question, Lord Goyo. Do you have a Soremsia that descended below Zymurgy?" After a long silence, Goyo gradually calmed down and then sat cross-legged, facing James and Thea. "Is the reason you want to exterminate Alcide beings because of the Leere Tribulation?" he asked.

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Thea and James looked at each other, not responding to his question.

Then, they silently sat opposite him. It was finally their chance to get the information they needed the most. They firmly believed Goyo, the Waitara Path's most trusted subordinate, would know of secrets that others did not know of, including everything about Xanthakos.

Goyo sighed, and said, "Did Xanthakos tell you that the Waitara Path's Soremsia will return to Zymurgy after eight hundred and ten thousand entrapochs and enslave the beings of the Greater Realms?" Thea looked at James, but he did not respond. Turning her focus back to Goyo, she asked, "Is that not true?" Goyo shouted angrily, "Ridiculous! It's malicious slander, a lie concocted to confuse the public! Do you know why the Waitara Path left? Do you know what he did for the Greater Realms?!" Seeing that James and Thea were silently paying attention to him, Goyo closed his eyes and said, "Fate, life and death, good and evil, cause and effect, tand space, nature, spirit, creation, covenant, were the main Nine Daoisms, which then gave rise to the Forty-Nine Daoisms. After uniting, the Waitara Path and the Haleth Realm were born." "It can be said that the Waitara Path is the Haleth Realm and Greater Realms' source." Goyo suddenly opened his eyes. "If you have the opportunity to enter the Wuia Palace, you will see the forty-nine cauldrons where the Forty-Nine Daoisms manifested. It's the origin of our worlds, which is why has such a sacred status.

"After the Haleth Realm formed, the Waitara Path realized the Forty-Nine Daoisms were almost non-existent and not practiced by the living beings. Hence, he made multiple journeys to the Void World to propose a modification to the Haleth Realm.