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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 Yuna envied Thea. What did Thea ever do to be under James’ protection? On his electric

motorcycle, James rushed toward Thea’s house, humming a tune. Instead of using the main roads, he

took some shortcuts. As he passed through an alley, a jeep appeared out of nowhere, blocking him. A

middle-aged man exited the car. The man was clad in a loose robe. He had bushy eyebrows and big

eyes with a square jaw. He looked powerful, like a man used to being in charge. James stopped his

electric motorcycle, looking at the Blithe King. The Blithe King approached, tossing James a cigaretle.

James caught it. The Blithe King pointed at the car. “Let’s talk.” James lit the cigarette and took a drag.

“There’s nothing to discuss. If you have something to say, spit it out. My wife is waiting for me.” “What

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are you trying to do?” The Blithe King asked calmly. He had just arrived in Cansington, yet he had

cleaned up James’ mess twice. He was the Blithe King of the West, now the commander-in-chief of the

five armies. He was nol James’ lackey, yet James ordered him around repeatedly.

1 “I’m not trying to do anything,” James said inildly. The Blithe King roared, “First, it was Ella

Corporation, then Prosperous Dynasty. James, I know you have unparalleled strength, but we’re in

Cansington, not the Southern Plains. Are you seriously treating your countrymen like you treat your

enemies?” James was unaffected by the Blithe King’s rage. “They can come after me, but not my wife.”

The Blithe King took a deep breath, saying, “All I’m asking for is your cooperation. Please don’t cause

any more trouble for me. Also, rumor has it you visited The Great Four. You want them to kneel for ten

days at the Cadens’ cemetery before committing suicide. Otherwise, you’ll spare no one?” “Yes.”

James’ expression darkened. “They deserve it.” “Even if they deserve it, you shouldn’t have done it. Let

me handle this. I’ll arrest all those involved within three days and dole out punishment.” James raised

his head and stared at the Blithe King. Their gazes locked. Time seemed to stop.

“Blithe King, I’ın warning you. Stay out of my business. Otherwise, I wouldn’t mind if the Five

Commanders become four.” “Are you threatening me?” “Yes!” “How dare you!” The Blithe King was

furious. No one had ever dared speak to him that way. “I’ve heard your power is unmatched, but we’ve

never sparred.” The Blithe King removed his shirt. Just then, James moved in a flash. A silver needle

appeared in his hand out of nowhere. A silver needle pressed against the Blithe King’s throat before he

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could even do anything. Time suspended. The Blithe King’s forehead beaded with sweat. He was the

Blithe King of the West, a leader of armies. He had seen everything. Yet at this moment, he was afraid!

He felt coldness wash over him as if he was plunged into ice. Cold sweat slid down his spine. He knew

that the Black Dragon was very powerful. However, he did not expect the Black Dragon to be this

terrifying. No wonder the higher-ups respected him so much. James retracted the silver needle. The

cold dissipated. Casually, he said, “Don’t get involved in my business with The Great Four. If you want

to help, track down the location of Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge.” With that, James turned and

straddled his electric motorcycle, whistling as he disappeared from the Blithe King’s sight. Only after

James vanished did the Blithe King stagger backward. A man disembarked from the car. He was the

Blithe King’s confidant, Daniel. “Sir…” The Blithe King waved his hand, cutting off Daniel’s words. “Who

knew that he had gotten that powerful? If he wanted to kill me, a silver needle was all he needed. The

Black Dragon lives up to his reputation indeed.” The Blithe King took a deep breath.